13 January 2016: Together and Apart: Affective Ambiences and Negotiation in Families’ Everyday Life and Mobility


Published by Harriet Phipps

Thursday, December 3rd, 2015

The first Mobilities Reading Group of 2016 will take place Wednesday, 13 January from 4PM-5PM in the Mobilities Lab (Bowland North B37, Lancaster University).

This week’s reading is Ole B. Jensen, Mimi Sheller & Simon Wind’s “Together and Apart: Affective Ambiences and Negotiation in Families’ Everyday Life and Mobility”. Thanks to Dr. Kirsty Finn, Lecturer in Higher Education at Lancaster University, for the suggestion.

Everyone is invited to attend and discuss!

Please contact me at s.thulin(at)lancaster.ac.uk for a PDF of this reading.

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