2 December 2015: I Have Always Meant to Fail: from Abiku to Abikuisms (Speaking of Nigeria and Road Desire)


Published by Harriet Phipps

Wednesday, November 25th, 2015

The upcoming Mobilities Reading Group will take place Wednesday, 2 December from 4PM-5PM in the Mobilities Lab (Bowland North B37, Lancaster University).

This week’s reading is Isoje Chou’s “I Have Always Meant to Fail: from Abiku to Abikuisms (Speaking of Nigeria and Road Desire)” from the African Cities Reader II: Mobilities and Fixtures. Thanks to curator Elise Atangana for the suggestion.

Everyone is invited to attend and discuss!

Please contact me at s.thulin(at)lancaster.ac.uk for a PDF of this reading.

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