Health Data Mobilities & Ethics


Published by Harriet Phipps

Saturday, October 13th, 2018

The isITethical team are bringing creative ethical impact into innovation with big data in healthcare.  The BIG HEALTH DATA & Privacy Preserving Practices Workshop will take place on 28th November 2018.

From the workshop description:

Big data has big potential for healthcare. From epidemiological analysis to early diagnosis, the datafication of life opens up new opportunities for preventative, diagnostic and therapeutic data analytics. However, accessing and analysing data in ethical and lawful ways is a complex challenge.

This workshop brings together data scientists, clinicians, policymakers, technology developers, and researchers who are working in the context of health big data. The workshop aims to collaboratively map data flows in healthcare and explore innovative responses to ethical, legal, and social opportunities and challenges with particular attention to three questions:

  • How is data currently collected, accessed, kept, shared and repurposed within agencies connected to NHS and in collaboration with others, including private agencies?
  • How would those flows transform with the incorporation of privacy preserving techniques such as Multi Party Computing (MPC)?
  • What are benefits and obstacles in current and speculative health big data analytics in terms of privacy, trust and interoperability?

We will ask  isITethical? and fold discussion of key ethical issues, such as trust, social sorting, respect, accountability with the participants and drive creative pro-active ethics through design. To find out more about the workshop and register, see here.

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