Mobilities design – discussing Ole Jensen’s paper


Published by Harriet Phipps

Thursday, April 20th, 2017

The Cemore reading group will next meet to discuss:

Ole Jensen (2016) – Of ‘other’ materialities: why (mobilities) design is central to the future of mobilities research, Mobilities, 11:4, 587-597, DOI: 10.1080/17450101.2016.1211826.

The link to this article:

The paper discusses mobilities, mobilities design and materialities: “In this article, the notion of materialities is rearticulated as an important field for the future of mobilities research. We focus on the intersection between situational mobilities research and design/architecture.” We will refer to the discussion that took place during the conference ‘Material Mobilties’, organized by C-MUS in November 2016. Here is more information:

The reading group will take place on 26th April, Wednesday at Mobilities Lab, Bowland North at Lancaster University.

Everyone is invited to attend and join in the discussion. If you can’t be there in person, Skype is possible. If you need a copy, any further information or to arrange to attend by Skype, please contact: z.bednarowska1 [at lancaster university domain].


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