Newman, P., Forshaw, S., Simm, W., Ferrario, M. A., Whittle, J., & Friday, A. (2014). Seeding the design process for future problems. In Human-Centered Software Engineering, 5th International Conference. Springer
Stephen Forshaw, Peter Newman, Maria Angela Ferrario, William Simm, Adrian Friday, Paul Coulton: Stimulating a dialogue on renewable energy through making. Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Companion Volume) 2014: 17-20
Maria Angela Ferrario, William Simm, Peter Newman, Stephen Forshaw, Jon Whittle: Software engineering for ‘social good’: integrating action research, participatory design, and agile development. ICSE Companion 2014: 520-523
Simm W, Ferrario MA, Southern J, Whittle J Clasp: Digital Tactile ASD Anxiety Management Open Digital: Digital Futures Conference 2013, MediaCityUK and Salford Quays, Nov 2013
Ferrario MA, Simm W, Whittle J Speedplay, Managing the Other Edge of Innovation Open Digital: Digital Futures Conference 2013, MediaCityUK and Salford Quays, Nov 2013
Southern J, Ellis R, Ferrario MA, McNally R, Dillon R, Simm W, Whittle J Imaginative labour and relationships of care: Co-designing prototypes with vulnerable communities Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Sep 2013
Curmi F, Ferrario MA, Southern J, Whittle J: HeartLink – open broadcast of live biometric data to social networks. CHI 2013: 1749-1758
Simm W, Whittle J, Dillon R, Southern J, and Ferrario MA Co-Designing With and For Chaotic Lives: #Patchworks, a Catalyst Case Study Workshop presenting at CHI, Paris 2013
Southern J, Dillon R, Potts R, Morrell D, Ferrario MA, Simm W, Ellis R, Whittle J Patchworks: Citizen-Led Innovation for Chaotic Lives Extended Abstracts CHI 2013, 2871-2872
Curmi F, Ferrario MA, Southern J, Whittle J: HeartLink: open broadcast of live biometric data to social networks. Extended Abstracts CHI 2013: 2793-2794
Southern J Creative Practice as Mobile Method Differential Mobilities: Movement Mediation in Networked Societies, Montréal, Québec 2013
Southern J I/O Inside Out: Making Citizen-led Co-design Visible Electronic Visualisation and the Arts, London 2013
Ferrario MA Living Knowledge Magazine May 2013
Case O Lifemirror, 19th International Symposium on Electronic Arts, Sydney, Australia 2013
Whittle J, Stubbs D Catalyst Good Practices, Global University Network for Innovation, Barcelona 2013
Ellis R, Naylor M, Ochu E Tackling ethical challenges in community-based participatory research, Catalyst case study, Durham University 2013
Whittle J, Ochu E, Ferrario MA, Southern J and McNally R Beyond Research in the Wild: Citizen-Led Research as a Model for Innovation in the Digital Economy Digital Futures 2012, Aberdeen 2012
Gerasimos B Local Trade – Supporting Local Economic Resilience in the Digital Age, Digital Futures 2012, Aberdeen 2012