Financial Support

Travel Grants
The college has a small amount of money available to make awards to undergraduates who wish to travel for educational or volunteering purposes that will enhance their degree or employability.
These typically vary from £50 to £150 and are limited by the funds available. Applications will be judged by the Principal who will look for projects which have some educational component but which are not simply work that is required for a particular University course. The recipient of a grant is required to provide receipts and submit a report on his or her project by the last day of the following term.
If you would like to apply for a vacation travel award, please download and complete a Cartmel Travel Grant Application Form. The form should be completed and returned to Jo Kendall by the following dates:
- Friday week 6 lent term – for Easter vacation travel
- Friday week 6 summer term – for summer vacation travel

Financial Hardship
The college can offer short-term interest-free loans of up to £100 for students who find themselves in unforeseen financial difficulties. If you require a loan please contact Jo Kendall.
If you find yourself in financial hardship due to extenuating circumstances then please contact the Cartmel CAT team, or speak to Jo Kendall, who can advise you on funding options, such as the Lancaster Opportunity and Access Fund.
There is information on how to budget for life at University and budgeting calculators on the University’s funding website.

College 1000 Postgraduate Studentship
Thanks to funding from the College 1000 programme, Cartmel College are pleased be able to offer two £1000 scholarships to students who were Cartmel College students during their undergraduate degrees and are applying to postgraduate studies at Lancaster University.
The award is made on the basis of financial need and academic merit and is for one academic year. Awards are subject to successfully enrolling on a postgraduate course and will be paid in two instalments of £500 in October and January following enrolment.
A completed College 1000 PG Application Form, academic reference and covering letter should be submitted to the Cartmel College Manager, A22 Cartmel College, or emailed to: cartmel@lancaster.ac.uk.
The deadline for application is the 1st June each year.

Other Funding Opportunities
For a full list of the funding available to you, see the University’s funding website.