Bowland | Community Engagement grant

The back of a standing person wearing a red shirt with volunteer printed on the back. © Ray Sangga Kusuma @ unsplash

Applications may be made for community engagement awards from Bowland students to broaden their horizons, experience other cultures, develop their skills and self-confidence, and make a positive difference in some way. A maximum of two awards of £250 each will be made during the academic year.

For example, students may want to help in orphanages, schools and medical centres in developing countries, organise or take part in cultural exchanges, and volunteer on conservation projects, in museums and at historically important sites. These awards are intended to cover the student’s essential costs where they cannot be met elsewhere.

We are unable to provide funding for compulsory elements of courses, such as participation in field trips.

For support related to graduate employment opportunities, such as interviews and assessment days, please refer to the Bowland College Career Acceleration Award.

The completed application form must be returned to Lorna Harrison (College Manager) with full supporting evidence.

Applications will be considered throughout the year, but the activity must be completed before graduation.

Once the allocated funding for the year has been awarded, no further applications will be considered.

Email Lorna for an application form at

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