Bowland | Become a Welcome Rep
In the 2024 JCR Welcome Week survey, 85% of Bowland Freshers said our college welcome reps made them feel "welcome" and "made events accessible". Now it's your turn to help our new students arriving at the end of September.
Being a Welcome Week Rep is a voluntary role, and it's a great way to get more involved in college life, as you will greet new students on arrival, support welcome activities and help new students settle in. For many, this is a huge step and a daunting one, your support can help ease their transition.
If you are interested in having a key role in helping our new students find their feet, complete the form below and the JCR Exec will be in touch.
Being a Welcome Rep is also a great way to develop your skills, enhance your CV and earn points toward the Lancaster Award.
The deadline to submit your application is 2 March 2025.
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