Bowland College sign

How the College Works

Structure & Governance

Within Bowland College, staff and students work together to make sure the college runs smoothly and fairly. The Junior Common Room Executive (JCR Exec) are an elected body who work closely with the college staff team to support and represent your interests.



College Officers and the JCR President, along with the JCR Vice Presidents belong to the College Management Committee, the committee meets once a month in term time and makes decisions on the day to day running of the College.

The College Syndicate includes all staff members of the college and all members of the JCR Executive. The Syndicate reports to the University Senate and meets once per term to oversee the running of the college, agree on strategy and constitutional amendments.

The College Principal is our representative at University Senate.

Student Conduct

We are a community in which a large number of people live, study and work closely together, to ensure everyone can enjoy their university experience we ask that you familiarise yourself with the Student Discipline Regulations.

If you experience any difficulties with fellow students please contact your College Community Assistants at to raise your concerns or speak to a member of College staff or the Porters.

If an alleged breach of the rules has occurred, a student may be summoned to a hearing by the Dean who will also decide on any sanctions to be applied. The most serious cases will be dealt with by the Student Conduct Office.

A student attending a college hearing is permitted to be accompanied by a fellow student, a representative from the Student Union, the College Wellbeing Team, or other member of University staff. Failure to attend a hearing without good cause and prior notice may result in a fine.

The full procedure for the process and for any appeal may be found in the Student Discipline Regulations.

The Dean would like to make you aware of fines that can be applied if particular rules are broken:-

  • Standard Noise Fine; £20
  • Exam Period Noise Fine; £40
  • Smoking in Residences; £50
  • Infringement of Electronic Copyright; £25
  • Tampering with Fire Safety Equipment; £300
  • Failure to attend a disciplinary hearing; £50

Membership Fees

All students become members of a College when they join Lancaster University. Each College has slightly different facilities and delivers a varied range of activities and events.

Each college has slightly different facilities and delivers a varied range of activities and events, all with the aim of providing an environment that enhances study, recreation and personal development, as well a support network provided by staff. To help deliver these aims, each student is charged a one-off membership fee when they join the university. All income received via membership fees is spent on supporting and enhancing the college community.

Find out how your fees are spent.