Flow Cytometry
Our flow cytometry facility hosts:
- A BD-FACS Canto ll system
- A Beckman Coulter CytoFlex with capacity to detect 13 colours and sample loading from 96-well plates
- A Sony MA900 Cell sorting station with 4 lasers for detection of up to 14 parameters, while sorting into tubes or multi-well plates
Sony MA900 Cell Sorter
The Sony MA9500 cell sorter with 4 lasers lines (405, 488, 561, 638nm) and up to 12 colour detection (plus forward and side scatter detection). The system makes use of automated calibration and a patented microfluidic chip-based design which simplifies operation and improves reliability.
Compatible with a range of sample loading and collection vessels including 4-way tube and multi-well plate sorting (6 - 384 well plates) this platform is highly flexible fitting with a wide range of applications.

BD FACS Canto II Analyser
The BD FACS Canto II flow cytometer offers multi-colour analysis from two laser excitation (488nm, 633nm).
- Lasers: blue (488-nm, air-cooled, 20-mW solid state), red (633-nm, 17-mW HeNe),
- Emission Optics Configuration 4 – 2. Emissions are transmitted to detector arrays: An octagon for the 488-nm blue laser contains five PMTs (four fluorescence plus side scatter signals); A trigons for the 633nm red laser contain two PMTs for signal detection.

Beckman Coulter CytoFlex Analyser
The Cytoflex flow cytometer is a compact three laser bench top analyser allowing for the analysis of multi-colour experiments of up to 13 colours. A highly sensitive system it is capable of nano-particle analysis including processing extracellular vesicles and viruses. Run through the intuitive CytExpert acquisition and analysis software it is relatively easy to use by even the newest practitioner of flow cytometry.
- Lasers: 405nm, 488nm, 638nm
- Detection: 13 repositionable band pass filters 450/45, 525/40 (2), 585/42, 610/20 (2), 660/10 (2), 690/50, 712/25, 780/60 (3)
- Tube and Plate loader mode for automated sample loading