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In Microns - a BLS and Light Up Lancaster project

Art and science collide in living colour

In Microns is a new interactive artwork made through a collaboration between artists idontloveyouanymore and Lancaster University’s Biomedical & Life Sciences Department.

The installation showcases ongoing research and bioimaging from the division, whose stunning collection of colour imagery of hair follicles, melanoma skin cells, fly wings, mouse immune cells, and more, sheds light on life’s wonders and unknowns - and on the micro-universe within all living things.

The In Microns display in the beautiful gallery space in The Storey for Light Up Lancaster 2024 fits seamlessly with the approach of the creative directors, Anna West and Davi Callanan, who work together as idontloveyouanymore. The artists are interested in alternative modes of reality and the intersection between technology, contemporary philosophy and the human experience.

The company enjoy the complex sticky place where human navigations of the world meet the technological and political intricacies of society. They believe this is what allows the audience to find the human connection in digital work, a form often perceived as cold and technical.

Much of Anna and Davi's interest has been in the transformative power of awe.

They said: "Our most recent series of works, including In Microns, explore the digitisation of natural phenomena, choosing to take something awe inspiring from nature and recreate it, re-render it for a digital world."

In Microns is the fourth successive new commission created by idontloveyouanymore for Light Up Lancaster.

The project was funded by Lancaster University's Engineering & Physical Sciences, and Arts & Humanities Impact Acceleration Accounts, provided by UK Research & Innovation.

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