Funding for International Students

PhD students at graduation

PhD Studentship: Mapping and Classifying Global Safeguarding Models

Applications are invited for a full-time three-year PhD studentship at Lancaster University starting on 1st October 2024. The successful candidate will join the Centre for Corpus Linguistic Approaches to Safeguarding Studies, funded as part of the ESRC Large Grant ESY002709/1, and will work alongside other researchers involved in researching in various aspects of the family justice system.

Subject areas: Law, linguistics, social sciences

The closing date for applications is midnight (BST) on Wednesday 31st July 2024

Full details and how to apply: PhD Studentship: Mapping and Classifying Global Safeguarding Models

Lancaster Castle

The Peel Trust Studentship

Level of Study: All

Details of Award: The Peel Trust Studentship is unique to Lancaster, and is reserved for applicants aged 21 or over on the first day of the first term for which they are seeking assistance. You can apply in any year of study. Both UK and international students may apply, with applications assessed on the basis of academic merit and financial need.

The Peel Trust Studentship

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Doctoral Scholarships 2023

Level of Study: PhD degree

Details of Award: A number of Faculty Doctoral Scholarships are available in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences is a dynamic and creative community of enquiry, learning and engagement, and encourages both discipline-specific and interdisciplinary work and research. We warmly welcome applications from home and international students, in all diversity groups. Two of the scholarships are reserved for Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority applicants with UK home status.

Three students walking along a green wooded path.

Lancaster University Funding Pages

A number of full and partial bursaries are offered by Lancaster University. Details of all such funding opportunities are available from the University's Postgraduate Funding pages and in a searchable database on the Student Services website.