Master's Degree Funding

ESRC North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP) Studentships
Level of Study: Master's Degree followed by a PhD ("1+3"), or PhD degree
Details of Award: Lancaster University forms part of the ESRC's North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (NWSSDTP). The studentships cover tuition and maintenance, and are available for those wishing to study in areas covered by the ESRC at Lancaster, Liverpool, UCLAN, Manchester or Keele.
A wide range of subjects and pathways are available.
ESRC Studentships
The Peel Trust Studentship
Level of Study: All
Details of Award: The awards are available for the support of students for first or higher degrees, in any subject. The period of the award is one academic year, although students can apply each year. The value of the award is determined by the Trustees in each case. Applicants must be aged 21 and over on the first day of the first term for which they are seeking assistance.
The Peel Trust Studentship
Postgraduate Loan Scheme - Master's (Government scheme)
Level of Study: Taught and research Master's degrees
Details of Award: Students living in the UK can apply for a postgraduate loan. This funding can help with your course fees and living costs while studying.
Gov.UK Funding for Postgraduate Study
Alumni Loyalty Scholarship
Level of Study: Master's degree
Details of award: Reduction in tuition fees to all taught Master's programmes for Lancaster Alumni.
Alumni Loyalty Scholarship
David Craig Memorial Fund
Level of Study: Master's degree
Details of Award: The David Craig Writing Award was set up in David’s memory by his four children, Marian, Peter, Donald and Neil, and his wife Anne Spillard Craig, with the support of Lancaster University. One award is made each year to a student starting a Master’s programme in Creative Writing. The award is made on the basis of the student having applied and received an offer to join the programme, and a short statement about how they would use the award. We look for evidence that the award will help them become a successful writer whose work connects experience, place, and history.
David Craig Memorial FundLancaster University Funding Pages
A number of full and partial bursaries are offered by Lancaster University. Details of all such funding opportunities are available from the University's Postgraduate Funding pages and in a searchable database on the Student Services website.