Dr Sharon Zheng

Senior Lecturer in Digital Media and Culture


  • I'm currently Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Digital Media and Culture and Global Parnership Lead at Lancaster University. Prior to this appointment, I worked as a Chief Journalist in UK, HK and PRC and earned my PhD with two full scholarships and served as Lecturer/Assistant Professor at UK, US and Chinese institutions.
  • I have served as a panellist of AHRC and ESRC, a reviewer at Routledge and Fellow of HEA since 2022. I was the Chair of MeCCSA PGN (2020-22) and a member of ICA, MeCCSA, and IAMCR.
  • I am currently serving on the editorial board of Celebrity Studies and reviewer for different leading journals in humanities and social sciences studies.
  • I have received support and recognition for projects funded by Education Committee PRC, National Social Science Fund, McCann World Group, Volkswagen Foundation, British Council, University of Warwick, University of Cologne, Curtin University, etc.