Dr Ann-Marie Houghton
Director of REAP, Teaching FellowProfile
Institutional Development Interests
My university equality, diversity and inclusion work links closely with research and teaching interests.
I am a member of the university's Equality and Diversity Committee, the Widening Participation Co-ordinating Group, Disability and Equality and Diversity Networks, Anti-Harassment and Bullying Team, and a senior member of Cartmel College.I was an active member of the Faculty of Arts and Social Science Courses Committee from 2004 to 2014.
Current Teaching
Originally trained in the primary sector I have a long standing interest in encouraging learners of all ages to take an active role in their own learning and describe my approach to teaching and learning as collaborative and interactive and I aim to be inclusive and value the contribution of all participants. I completed Lancaster's Certificate in Academic Practice in 2006 and was nominated for the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme, 2010.
Educational Research
I have taught on both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and developed modules relating to areas of research including social exclusion, race and disability and education.
I am convenor for Module B Professional Practice for our Phd in Higher Education that provides an opportunity to engage with professionals working in a range of HE contexts in what I find a stimulating teaching and learning experience.
Organisation and Educational Development (OED)
I am module convenor for an experienced route for Lancaster University's Higher Education Academy accredited Postgraduate Certificate of Academic Practice (PGCAP) and convene the Curriculum Design and Development module. I also contribute to a range of other programmes offering sessions on equality, diversity and inclusive curriculum, these include online sessions to colleagues in our International Teaching Partnerships at Sunway and LU Ghana.
In addition, I have taught adult learners within a variety of community contexts. I am a course consultant for Blackburn College who are responsible for the Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education Studies and have chaired a number of Quality Reviews and Validation panels.
Research Overview
My research interests are closely linked to the work of REAP and my university role as Educational Developer. Major themes at present include:
- Inclusive teaching and learning policy and practice
- Educational Guidance See also doctoral research
- Disability and transition to HE and Employment
- Evaluation of Widening Access initiatives
- Widening participation policy and practice
- Educational Equality and Social Exclusion
- Family Learning within school and community context
External Roles
Professional Bodies
I am on the advisory editorial board for the:
- Journal of Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning
- Teaching in Higher Education
I was Honorary Chair of the Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in Education of Adults (SCUTREA) 2011-2014.
PhD Supervision Interests
On areas associated with my research interests but in particular in the next few years on widening access, retention and achievement, inclusive curriculum development, the academic and learning experiences of disabled learners, transitions issues into education and the workplace, especially for disabled graduates, from a multi-agency perspective the policy agenda of Schools that will encompass family and intergenerational learning from Faith Schools agenda
IEEE Tech4Good: Protecting Vulnerable Older Adults and Young People from Cyber Fraud and Online Scams
16/12/2024 → 16/06/2025
Mainstreaming Disability-Inclusion in Indonesian Higher Education
15/01/2024 → 14/01/2025
Mapping and Developing Disability-Inclusive Practices across Indonesian Universities
01/01/2024 → 31/12/2024
Family Influence on Cumbrian Higher Education Participation/Decision-making
17/12/2018 → 31/07/2019
HEFCE’s review of models of support for disabled students in higher education
15/03/2017 → 31/07/2017
RCUK School-University Partnership Initiative
30/08/2016 → 30/12/2016
Bright Links evaluation
15/05/2012 → 30/12/2012
Designing an inclusive curriculum in higher education
01/09/2009 → 30/06/2010
Lancashire Aimhigher Disability
29/04/2009 → 30/06/2009
Students' and Professionals', Experience, Concerns and Issues regarding Alcohol use by Lancaster Students
21/12/2008 → 31/12/2010
Barrow Youth Re: action Team
02/12/2008 → 01/08/2011
Barrow Engineering Project evaluation
01/09/2008 → …
06/04/2008 → 05/12/2008
Evaluation Capacity Building for HEI widening participation teams
01/04/2007 → 31/12/2009
Refugee Progression and Employment Project
01/09/2006 → 01/07/2008
Aimhigher Cumbria Evaluation
01/08/2006 → 31/07/2011
Aimhigher Lancashire Evaluation
01/01/2006 → 31/07/2011
Aiming4uni in Furness
01/07/2005 → 31/10/2009
Disability Effective Inclusive Policies
01/01/2005 → 31/12/2007
Working with Families
01/01/2005 → 31/08/2007
Lancashire Intergenerational Multicultural Education Project
01/09/2004 → 30/04/2007
Library Understanding and Curriculum enhancement to Inform Decision-making
01/04/2003 → 31/12/2006
Families And Higher Education Decision-making
01/01/2001 → 01/01/2009
African Caribbean and Asian Curriculum Project
01/09/1995 → 31/12/2006
IDEA project launch: sharing disability-inclusive practices in Indonesia
Invited talk
Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar
A collaborative institutional approach to creating inclusive teaching and learning environments
Invited talk
Embedding mental wellbeing in the curriculum: maximising success in higher education
Invited talk
Creating inclusive teaching and learning environments
Invited talk
The practicalities of successful collaboration: a third space and blended professional?
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Emergent themes from an evaluation of the Cumbria and Lancashire Network for Collaborative Outreach and lessons for the National Collaborative Outreach Programme?
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Student retention and success change programme: Phase 2. Final conference
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
ENGAGE 2016 Annual Conference
Invited talk
Practical tips for evaluation: A collaborative approach
Invited talk
Disability Studies Conference CeDR (international)
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Teacher Research: Voyages of discovery
Invited talk
Deliverers or beneficiaries? A revolving cycle of widening participation opportunities for undergraduate students
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
The Higher Education Academy
Visiting an external academic institution
Loyne Specialist School
School Engagement
- Centre for Gender Studies
- Centre for Higher Education Research and Evaluation
- Centre for Social Justice and Wellbeing in Education
- REAP - Researching Equity Access and Participation