More student experiences
Current and former students talk about their experiences.

Hi! I studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics. My hometown is Hove, but Lancaster has really become my second home. During my time here I've lived off-campus (near Williamson Park), and I also spent a year in a Townhouse in County College.
I've really enjoyed my course as lecturers and tutors make the course content really engaging and don’t hesitate to provide support when needed. There’s no doubt that the work can be challenging but I found my subject interesting. On top of this, there are opportunities to study abroad or to take a placement year working in industry.
When not focusing on my academic study, I took full advantage of the social opportunities available at University. I was a keen member of the Lancaster Debating Society, played competitive football for my college and participated in the Lancaster Running and Athletics Club. There are loads of societies at Lancaster and opportunities to get more involved with your own interests.
In my spare time, I enjoy listening to music, going on runs and supporting Everton F.C. At University, I enjoyed a good work-life balance, which is an important aspect of a healthy work environment at University.
If you have any questions about Lancaster University, feel free to message me on social media.
Instagram: @aaronprice21
Hi! My name is Amy and I did a Master's Degree in Diplomacy and International Law.
I took the course via distance learning, which has been a really unique and exciting experience. I’m super excited to share my journey with you!
One thing I’ve noticed is that despite my background in international affairs, I learned about so many new concepts and themes between countries that I wasn’t previously aware of.
A few fun facts about me: I’m Kenyan, I currently live in Nairobi with my family, and hope to make the move to the UK later this year. I enjoy thrifting, literature (anything feminist, classic or Diasporic), travelling, checking out new restaurants, celebrity gossip (cringe) and spending too many hours on Netflix (double cringe).
I have documented as much of my journey as possible, and you can read some of my blog articles and photo editorials below.

My name is Chiedza and I have been studying Law LLB with Politics. I am Zimbabwean by nationality but I reside in the North East of England.
Living on campus in Pendle College with my 7 flatmates, I found that there was always someone to talk to or have a group study session with.
I've loved my degree because it has allowed me to combine my interests of history, writing, diplomacy and social justice. Studying Law has allowed me to understand the very specific and delicate balance upholding our justice system for years, whilst Politics allows for discussion about the shifting and often inflammatory power exchanges happening right before our eyes.
In my free time I enjoy reading, researching linguistics and watching movies with my flatmates. I really enjoyed watching Snowpiercer on Netflix as it examines the impact of climate change on social hierarchies. The show also highlights the role of corruption, collusion and coercion in maintaining dictatorships, hiding federal crimes and keeping the poor poor as the rich get richer. The cherry on the cake is that is stars Daveed Diggs.
Instagram: @ch_zza
Hey! I’m Chloe, and did a Master’s in English Literary Studies, after also doing my undergraduate degree at Lancaster.
When I'm not spending my time surrounded by books as my degree would suggest, I can usually be found trying to be creative. Whether this includes watercolour painting, decorating my flat to match the season, or more recently delving into graphic design, I like to try a bit of everything and get involved. I've DIYed a mini-golf course from old juice bottles, turned canal walks into photoshoots, and covered the kitchen surfaces in baked goods. Unsurprisingly the latter was the biggest hit with my flatmates.
I enjoyed getting involved in lots of aspects of university life, including providing graphics for the university's Foodbank Collection team (collecting donations for Morecambe). I was also the Head of Social Media for the Mental Health Society, as I'm big on promoting wellbeing and helping others, which is part of why I enjoyed being a student ambassador. I was a first-generation student and I definitely found ambassadors the most helpful source when it came to feeling informed and comfortable in my university decisions, and I loved getting to play that role myself.
I’m originally from Blackpool, so Lancaster isn't far from home for me anyway, but there's a reason I stayed for postgrad and have been promoting my department for years now, and I'm excited to share that with you!
If you ever want to talk about anything, feel free to find me on Instagram @chloe_adshead.

Hi, I’m Dan. I studied a Master's in Criminology and Social Research Methods. I also completed my undergraduate degree at Lancaster, in Criminology, so I have spent four years at Lancaster.
Home for me is a farm in the Lake District. I’m half-English and half-Scottish, though my parents both grew up in Scotland. I lived in the centre of the campus with 8 other students – it was great being able to see ducks from my window!
Criminology is really interesting. In my undergraduate degree, I got the chance to work closely with Lancashire Constabulary, developing my data analysis skills and producing a report for them. One of the modules in my Master's degree involved using programming languages. It was challenging, but also fascinating. Studying at Master's level there was a lot of flexibility, and as such, a lot of my research focused on the theme of people with mental health difficulties and crime.
Besides studying, I worked at the University as an Assistant Dean, ensuring students are happy during their time at University. As a result, although postgraduate students are in Graduate College, I lived in Fylde College – the best college! I also enjoy fell running, a great opportunity to clear my head when there were lots of deadlines. Another interest of mine is photography, and I enjoyed documenting my experiences at Lancaster from behind the lens.
Instagram: @danlmiller
Hey, I’m Emily, and I've been studying PPE at Pendle College. No, not Personal Protective Equipment (although that would have been handy given the present circumstances) but Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
I absolutely love university and my degree. I became a Digital Content Ambassador because I wanted to take the opportunity to give an authentic insight into student life.
Outside of my degree, I love anything music related – to the point where I lugged three instruments halfway across the country to campus. I can’t wait to be able to perform live music again but for now LUSing (the Lancaster singing society) over Zoom will have to do! I have also been getting back into dancing by joining the dance society with online classes.
I was lucky enough to spend lockdown on campus with my amazing flatmates baking, watching films, playing board games and going for lovely long walks around the beautiful Lancaster area. The giant whiteboard that I brought to campus with me (thanks mum) facilitated multiple games nights – Pictionary anyone?
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EmilyPayne/
Instagram: @emily_k_payne

Hi! I’m Emma, I studied Sociology, and was a member of Pendle College. I am originally from Preston, so the northern accent is very strong.
I really enjoyed my degree and have loved everything sociology encompasses since I was 17. It links to many different topics and is so relevant to society today; it constantly keeps me intrigued. I did a lot of essays for my degree and fortunately I love writing. In my free time I enjoy writing for my blog about anything that is going on in my life. It’s very therapeutic. I also enjoy playing netball, so I was part of Pendle College netball team, which was always a good laugh, especially the crazy socials that came along with it.
I lived in Lancaster town centre, with 5 of my friends who I met during my time at university. That’s one of my favourite parts about uni: getting to have the best time with my best friends means there was never a dull moment. I loved living in Lancaster as it’s very pretty and has amazing coffee. I would check out the cafe, The Herbarium. That is where you could find me most days, sat drinking their oat milk lattes.
I loved being a digital ambassador, and I hope you find what I have to say and share interesting and relatable.
If you’d like to keep up with me or have any questions here’s my personal Instagram @emswinnyxx.
Hi everyone! I’m Erin and I studied English Literature and History at Lancaster. I am from Helmshore (only an hour away from Lancaster).
In my final year I lived with my fab flatmates in Bowland College, including the lovely Tai Rosemin, a fellow Digital Ambassador 😊
I loved reading as part of my English Literature course, but in general I’m an all-round bookworm (I read 100 books in 2020!).
Outside of reading, I’m never short of hobbies to keep me busy. I love writing which is something I’ve pursued over the past few years and over the summer I took to social media and Wordpress to set up my own blog dedicated to – surprise, surprise – reading and books!
Check out my blog if you like!
Alongside reading (I promise I’m not all book-nerd) I have other interests too. I was part of the Swing Dance Society at Lancaster, and was the Editor of the student paper, SCAN. Swing Dance is perhaps the most fun hobby I have undertaken at university and I performed in a dance show in early February last year. Swing Dance also encouraged a whole love of 40s and 50s culture for me – music, dance and film.

Hola! I am Franco and I studied a one-year Master's in Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies. I would like to work at an NGO for social change and become a researcher in the social sciences.
I have a nerdy desire to learn and experience as much as possible which is the main motivation of most of the things I do! I love all kinds of partner dancing (salsa and swing particularly), playing music, reading and walking.
I was born and raised in Puebla, Mexico, but one day in 2016, I studied abroad in Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA) and this experience changed my life. Beautiful people and sunsets out there. Ever since then, the accumulation of butterfly effects eventually took me to South Korea, Thailand, Canada, New Zealand, Indonesia, and then to Graduate College at Lancaster University. I must admit, I feel compelled to stop travelling as much due to climate change. My studies at Lancaster were supported by a scholarship that focuses on human rights, violence, inequality, structural changes and democracy.
Living in Lancaster has been a lovely experience mostly as a result of my flatmates and friends who came from the United States, Portugal, China, Romania, Japan and Cameroon. However, even though they are amazing, kind and fun people to be around, none of them seemed to share my passion for coffee!
A podcast on Spotify was one of my main projects, which you can check out if you’re interested! Thanks!
I also podcasted regularly about my journey to Lancaster and how I found life in the UK.

I’m Holly, and I studied Drama, Theatre and Performance at Lancaster. I was part of County College and in my final year I lived in campus accommodation with my flatmates. I’m originally from Preston: another Lancashire town!
My favourite part of my course was the performing aspects. I enjoyed devising different kinds of theatre with my classmates and performing in the Nuffield theatre on campus. During my second year at Lancaster, I took an optional schools placement module. This was really exciting because I got to help teach drama in a secondary school which I really enjoyed. I am took a creative enterprise module in my final year, and I’m finding it interesting learning about the values the arts create and about problems in the creative industries.
I love to dance and perform and participated in different dance shows and events as part of Lancaster University dance society (LUDans) which allowed me to make lots of friends. I also had opportunities to teach and choreograph for the society including for the annual show, which was such a great opportunity. I am also interested in musical theatre, sport and I love to travel when I can!
Instagram: @_hollyslife

Hello! My name is James Scowcroft and I studied a Master's degree in Film Studies. I am from Bolton, and lived in Lancaster city centre during my degree.
Ever since being blown away by Michael Bay’s Transformers at the age of eight, I have had a passion for filmmaking and the creative process behind what is seen on screen. It is for that reason I chose to study film as an undergraduate, and I ended up enjoying it enough to go on to study it at postgraduate level too!
I was the Co-Station Manager of Lancaster University’s award winning television station, LA1TV. Aside from co-running it with my flatmate Matthew, I operated the cameras and edited together the short productions you might have seen. Anyone who was filmed and memed on SugarTV in early 2020 has got my intrepid LA1TV crew to blame! The investigation into the fabled missing Spar Staircase was another production I was involved with, along with my friend and presenter Timmy. We never did get to the bottom of that…
The content I produced as a Digital Content Ambassador varied, from journalistic pieces to campus tours and short films. Photography is another hobby that I enjoy.
I am from Kenya and a PhD Candidate in the Department of Languages and Cultures. My research focuses on the implications of China’s infrastructure diplomacy in Kenya through the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative between 2013 and 2019. I was attracted by the global reputation of Lancaster University. I am also a Fellow of the Lancaster University China Centre which is based at the Confucius Institute.
From my previous stay in England, I knew Lancaster was a semi-rural cathedral city in Lancashire and it was exactly as I had perceived it to be. Lancaster is a great place to live in and there are wonderful places of interest to discover. Since every location within the city is accessible by foot, I normally enjoy walking, especially in the summer.
In my spare time, I play football, engage in leisure reading, and try to visit other cities and towns across the country. I also take tours of the cities I am invited to for conferences and take the opportunity to engage in photography which is a passion of mine using my Nikon 90 camera.

I’m Nurin, and I studied Film, Media and Cultural Studies at Pendle College. I was born in Malaysia, but I have also lived in Indonesia and Finland/ I’ve lived in the UK for about 12 years and still counting.
The course drew me in, because of its unique balance of practical filmmaking modules and media and sociology knowledge that helps me to understand my worldview through a more critical and open-minded perspective.
My time as a former Media Officer for the Malaysian Society led me to discover my passion for social media and graphic editing. It was also a great experience to talk and socialise with people from different cultural backgrounds. So, during my role as Digital Content Ambassador, I enjoyed creating content including photo collections, short videos and blogs from a diverse range of student perspectives.
In my spare time, I’ll be stuffing my nose in books, drawing, listening to K-pop music (you must have heard of BTS, at least) and binge-watching a ton of drama. I played netball for Pendle College, so don’t underestimate this small person because I’m very fast on my feet and super competitive!
Recently, I like experimenting more with photography so feel free to follow me on Instagram @nushy_15 as I share my story of student life at Lancaster.
Hello! I'm Owen, and I studied a Master's in History at Lancaster. I am from South Shields, near Newcastle.
After three years of studying at Lancaster for my undergrad degree in English Literature and History, I just wasn't quite ready to leave my home away from home, so I came back for more!
In normal times, you might have seen me ordering chicken nuggets at Fylde College bar, or more likely just chilling in Trevor, another of the college bars (I moved on to Grad College whilst doing my Master's, but my loyalties will always be with Furness). During the lockdowns I substituted these for walks along the city canal, and quiet nights in watching First Dates or Taskmaster.
On the more academic side, I did a placement with the History department, working on expanding the university's digital archives of working-class history in the North West.
Creatively, I've primarily dabbled in writing for the various groups I've been involved with, such as my role as the previous head of social media for the Mental Health Society. I was keen to use the Ambassador position to push myself into other mediums that I've had less experience with.
You can find me at @oarkley on Instagram if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them!

Hi everyone! I’m Rebecca, a former Bowland College student originally from Newcastle.
I took my undergraduate degree in Film Studies at Lancaster, and went on to do my Master’s here as well.
During my time at Lancaster, I had the chance to work on a variety of films, from making a documentary about student housing, to creating an experimental piece on ADHD and directing a psychological thriller about an evil computer!
I love anything creative, and have been making films for as long as I can remember! Outside of watching and creating films, I enjoy drawing, photography, and I loved exploring Lancaster with my friends. I had so many great experiences at Lancaster, and have met many amazing people over the years.
While doing my Master's I lived in Manchester with my boyfriend and his family, which meant I had to find creative ways to adapt to online learning, especially since I have ADHD.
I loved being part of the digital ambassadors team sharing my experiences. I lived in halls at Chancellor’s Wharf, and got used to meeting new flatmates and making friends, so I offered advice about nerves around moving into halls. I gave support and useful advice to students on how to cope with university throughout the pandemic, and I enjoyed making content about the sorts of things I do when I’m not studying.
I studied an MA in Gender and Women Studies and English. I am Romanian, and my home region is the famous Transylvania, home of the Dracula myth.
I lived in Lancaster with three other housemates, all students, and we shared traditional cakes from each of our home countries. I really enjoyed this area of England, as it is very peaceful and charming, which proved to be much needed qualities during my quarantine walks. But even more importantly, in choosing this particular university, I found a community of equally-as-passionate students and professors that made me feel welcomed and encouraged me to pursue my ideas.
I’d say my main hobbies remain reading and writing, something I’ve been doing constantly and intensely for the past decade (and mixing for four years in the form of a book blog), but I am a fan of arts in all forms. I love visiting museums, going to theatre plays and listening to music… anyone else really missed concerts in the lockdowns?
I also enjoy studying foreign languages and as a result, I volunteer as a translator for an international platform for children’s rights. No matter what time you’ll encounter me, I’ll probably be enjoying a cup of coffee, since this remains my no. 1 love.
Instagram: @_sara.v

Hi, I’m Sonia, from Surrey in south east England. I was a member of Bowland College, and I studied Linguistics.
I like to look at language, and as a self-confessed crime-show addict hope to go into Forensic Linguistics, looking at language to help the law.
I love travelling and exploring new places, probably a reason I studied so far from home. I also spent my second year studying abroad in Ottawa, Canada. It was definitely an experience I’ll never forget! I’ve written some blogs about my experience on the Linguistics and English Language Study Abroad Blog page.
In my final year I lived in town in Lancaster with four friends, all of whom I loved spending time with – one of my housemates I actually met through the year abroad process. I love brunching or drinking cocktails in a bar, and watching films. Living so close to London, I am partial to a day of shopping and going to the theatre. More recently, I got back into baking, and enjoyed making fancy cupcakes for my housemates. Other hobbies of mine include dancing and playing with my new puppy Kody.
I really enjoyed working on different projects when I was a FASS DCA, and sharing different aspects of my Uni experience.
You can find me here on Instagram: @soniafrenchh
Hi everyone! I’m Tai, or as many call me TaiTai- because you know, you can’t get much shorter than T-A-I.
I’m from the beautiful twin-island republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean, and I studied Design at Lancaster, where I was in Bowland College. I love photography and in my spare time I loved to explore and capture the hidden gems in Lancaster. As an international student, none of this experience was taken for granted and I have enjoyed sharing the beautiful places I’ve found and adventures I’ve had through my photos and videos so that you know what makes Lancaster University the perfect place to find yourself and grow.
When I was not at my student accommodation aka the library (shh don’t tell) I was somewhere about campus moving around. Otherwise you could find me dancing with Lancaster University's Hip Hop and Breakdance Society. In my first year, I was a part of both the Hip Hop Society and LUDanS society which allowed me to travel all over the UK competing and meeting new people.
I’m just an easy-going, warm, Caribbean guy, so feel free to message me online.
See more of my photography on Instagram @king.taitai and follow me for my thoughts on Uni life!
You can also see my 2018-2019 prize-winning autumn stunner on the University’s Instagram page.

I am from Stockport in Manchester and am half Irish. I studied a joint honours in Art and Film, and was a part of County College.
In my second year, I studied abroad in Hamilton, Canada. I have an adventurous, curious soul and so the opportunity to study and live in another country for 8 months was an experience that has helped me to grow in so many ways. I enjoy being in nature and hope to travel whilst volunteering with wildlife at some point in the near future too.
I lived in a student house off campus in Lancaster city centre in my third and final year. Despite the lockdown, me and my housemates found ways to make the most of our student experience by having themed cooking nights and bedroom bar crawls!
I suppose I’m lucky enough to have studied a course that was my number one hobby since I was a child. I spent most of my time either taking photos, modelling in photos, making short videos, watching films, painting or listening to music. I loved to go for regular walks in some of the most beautiful nature spots in and around Lancaster.
I used my passion and skills for all things creative and my knowledge and love for Lancaster to produce videos and blogs for the University’s Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.
Instagram: @talloollah.moon

I studied Film and Philosophy in Furness college. I grew up really close to Oxford city centre.
I lived in my house in Lancaster with 5 other girls, most of whom I met during my final year. They were so much fun to live with.
My course was interesting because it was an unusual joint honours. I think there was only 4 of us doing that combination. It gave me a lot of freedom to combine the two subjects or keep them separate, but I did find that even in modules that you wouldn’t think are related, there was quite a lot of cross-over. Both subjects also gave me so much random extra knowledge, mostly about history and politics.
I’ve always done a lot of theatre and in Lancaster I got into designing and building sets for plays. I have paint on many of my clothes!
I was on the women’s fencing team since my first year, having done it a bit at school. For anyone who knows about it, my main weapon is sabre. That was really fun because the women’s team has grown so much over the last few years and we did very well in BUCS competitions which is just very gratifying.