Programme and Module Approval Process for CTP

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A new Programme and Module Approval Policy for Delivery of the Curriculum Transformation Programme was approved by Academic Standards and Quality Committee on 17 March 2025. This Policy sets out the process to be followed to approve programmes and modules for delivery in 2026/27 in line with the Curriculum Transformation Programme (CTP) and Education Framework.

While the Programme and Module Approval Process for Delivery of CTP is in operation, the Course Design, Development and Approval chapter of MARP is suspended, except for provision listed in the Policy under para 1.6.

Outline Programme Approval

Indicative timeline - December 2024 and March 2025

Outline Programme Approval was completed through the submission of Stage 1 forms in December 2024 (for UG programmes) and March 2025 (for PGT programmes) when faculty portfolio proposals were considered on behalf of University Executive Board by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and University Academic Dean (UAD).

Departmental Peer Review

Indictive timeline - April to August 2025

Departmental Peer Review of completed programme approval paperwork is intended to sense-check documentation to ensure completeness and alignment with the Education Framework prior to submission for approval. Expectations of peer review can be found here and guidance is provided here. There is a requirement for the Head of Department to confirm peer review has been completed appropriately before endorsement by the Faculty Associate Dean for Education. Once these steps have been completed, programme approval paperwork can be submitted to Academic Quality, Standards and Conduct (AQSC), using templates found below for consideration by a Cross-Faculty Approval Panel (CFAP).

Cross-Faculty Approval Panel

Indicative timeline - May to September 2025

Cross-Faculty Approval Panels will be convened from a university-approved pool of Chairs and panel members. Each CFAP will consider a group of related programmes previously agreed by departments in association with their Quality Assurance and Enhancement Manager (QAEM). CFAPs may include both academic and professional service staff and operate under approved terms of reference as defined within the Policy. An annotated agenda for CFAPs can be found here.

Institutional Approval Panel

Indicative timeline - April to October 2025

The Institutional Approval Panel, chaired by the University Academic Dean, and including among its members Faculty Associate Deans for Education, will oversee the process of approval. It can grant institutional approval to programmes and modules that have been approved at faculty level by a Cross-Faculty Approval Panel. It will also consider any issues referred from Cross-Faculty Approval Panels and will report to Academic Standards and Quality Committee.

Approval Process Flow

For a detailed view of these stages, please see our process flow.


Please use the following templates for your programme and module proposals:

NB: Please always download the templates before editing.

Completed templates should be uploaded to the designated folder for your Programme Group in the CTP approvals Teams site: Grp-2026 Programme Information.

Support and Guidance

Guidance can be found embedded in the programme and module templates. For advice on the process for programme and module approval please contact:

Academic Quality, Standards and Conduct

Your Quality Assurance and Enhancement Manager

Chairs and members of Cross-Faculty Approval Panels

Chairs and members of Cross-Faculty Approval Panels will be appointed by the Institutional Approval Panel with reference to the role descriptor and person specification in the Approval Policy.