For External Examiners
Annual Report
External Examiners are asked to submit an annual report within 4 weeks of the examination boards that the examiner moderates assessments for an attends. To complete your report, please follow this link.
EE Annual Report for Taught Programmes
Claiming payment
Fees and expenses are paid through the AQSC unit on receipt of a completed External Examiner Claim Form. Please note that your annual fee cannot be paid until your annual report has been received.
External Examiners claiming expenses for fares, accommodation, subsistence and postage are asked to attach relevant receipts of documentation supporting the claim. Travel mileage will be reimbursed at £0.45 per mile. Where costs in excess of this are unavoidably incurred, External Examiners should contact the Academic Department, from which further reimbursement may be available. For more information regarding what you are eligible to claim for, please review our External Examiners Fees and Expenses Guidance (Taught Provision)
In order to process payments to overseas bank accounts we will require a bank statement, or a void paying-in skip, or a bank letter that confirms your bank account details. Please ensure that the documentation provided with your claim includes: name on account, name and address of bank or building society, account number, sort code, international bank account number (IBAN), bank identification code (BIC).
- Note 1: Payroll does not store External Examiner bank details so these must be submitted with the claim form each academic year;
- Note 2: External Examiners are not permitted to do any work and the University cannot pay and fees or expenses until the right to work verification is completed.
Changes to Personal Details
External Examiners must inform the University if their circumstances change (e.g. academic position or employer, contact details, visa status, etc.). This is particularly important where the change relates to restrictions on appointment of External Examiners. The Change of Details form should be completed and returned to as soon as possible.
Data Protection and Freedom of Information
While External Examiner Annual Reports are intended for consumption internally to Lancaster University staff, students and collaborative partners, External Examiners should note that the information contained within them may be disclosed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018, the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and other legislation. External Examiners should therefore avoid making reference by name to individual members of staff or students when writing their annual report.
External Examiners should ensure that they store copies of students' work, marks and any other personal information securely and in line with the Policy on Categorising and Protecting University Information Assets.
Electronic information should be deleted promptly following use. Hard copies of materials should be returned to the Academic Department