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Xin Yi Chong – 2021 UG Conference
10th MARCH - 17th MARCH 2021
Xin Yi Chong

Xin Yi Chong

Accounting (Sunway) | Year 3 | Degree: Accounting and Finance
A thorough review of the current examination system based on undergraduate students and lecturers in Sunway University.

It is a norm nowadays that students are evaluated using the merit system of examination. Grades are often highly valued among tertiary level students as it is vital in determining students’ future career prospect. However, as far as the importance of grade is concerned, the overemphasis on grades has made the examination system futile because the ability of students to fully comprehend their knowledge in the real life is not necessarily reflected on the grades obtained. Hence, this study aims to develop a new method of assessing undergraduate students’ performance that encourages a wider breadth of skills and knowledge as a more holistic approach of evaluation. As part of the methodology of this research, qualitative data will be collected through interviews with 5 undergraduate students and 5 lecturers from Sunway University. In order to investigate their perspective on the current examination system and the feasible amendment to the current assessment method, opinions from the interviewees will be analysed based on 5 questions asked throughout their interview session. This research intends to revamp the current assessment method with a more holistic assessment approach which the current examination system is somewhat lacking in.


Xin Yi Chong
Xin Yi Chong

Xin Yi Chong

Accounting (Sunway) | Year 3 | Degree: Accounting and Finance
A thorough review of the current examination system based on undergraduate students and lecturers in Sunway University.
Examination system serves its purpose of assessing students' understanding and knowledge. However, examination has its limitation in assessing undergraduate students comprehensively. Apart from the highly stressful condition associated with examination, examination was also criticised for confining students' critical thinking skills, which has made thorough comprehension on studies impossible. When it comes to real-life job practice, fresh graduates often struggle to deal with real-world sitaution using what they have learnt from university (Whelan & Brown, 2011).    
'Speaking from my recent job experience, I find examination did not help me ultilise my knowledge and skills in real life job practice.'    
This research is purposed to review the current examination system and propose a more comprehensive way of assessing students based on the prespectives of undergraduate students and lecturers. 
Based on the statement above, I have conducted interview sessions with undergraduate students and lecturers to understand their perspectives on current examination system and recommend a more comprehensive assessment system. 
I have prepared 2 sets of interview, with 5 question each for lecturers and students. Below are the questions:
Interview Questions for Students
Interview Questions for Lecturers
After the interview sessions, I have found out:
The first 2 questions are to familarize the participants with the topic. 
Students: 1. Two participants thought that it is worth to put in all effort to obtain good grade for a better future. The other three participants stated they will not sacrifice their time and energy solely on study as there are other things that are worth enjoying in life too.  2. One participant thought that understanding a topic is highly dependent on the interest of the students towards the topic. Two participant stated that examination did not help them to understand the topic comprehensively as they will only memorise the theories for the examination. Only two participants agreed examination helps to stimulate their thinking.  3. Overall, participants stated that examination is not an effective way of assessing a student. As one's memory skills is being judged, it is more important to take other skills into consideration such as problem-solving skill or practical skill. 4. Only one participant supported written examination as sole assessment system. Other participants have suggested stimulator test, real-life case study, research, and weekly chapter assessments instead of a final exam that comprises of the entire syllabus at one go.
Lecturers 1. Participants thought that examination is vital, but it should not be the sole assessment method as not every students can perform well in formal examination. Examination also did not assess students in various skills.  2. One participant has stated that most of the students understand the topic, while other participants think that students are not interested to understand the topic in depth. Students only study in the hopes of passing the exam instead of excelling in it.  3. Overall, participants are of the opinion that examination is one of the effective system to evaluate students, but other kind of assessment method should be used to assess students' other skills as well. 4. Participants have also suggested that courseworks, case studies, dialogue and assignments. It is imprortant to assess student's abilities to write, read, communicate and memorize, but it is impossible to come out with a comprehensive assessment method that can cover every single aspects.  
Discussion: Combining the perspectives of students and lecturers, examination system is a neccessary tool to assess students, but it should not be used as the sole assessment method.  Society has high expectation towards grades. For instance, parents will praise their children for getting high score, and employers usually favour students with good grade. Eventually, it gives students the impression that good grade is everything. As a result, students are obssessed with good grade, and it caused students to memorize the theories rather than understand it. As per comment from lecturers, students study to pass, not to understand in depth. Under this circumstance, examination has lost it purpose. While some students can be benefitted from examination,  we shouldn't ignore the fact that examination is not entirely helpful in understanding a topic.  Moreover, examination is not effective in assessing students because it only focuses on memory skill. Other skills are being neglected. It is unfair to some students who do not have excellent memory skills. Examination should be designed comprehensively to ensure that every skill is being aassessed.  Hence, assessment should be comprised with more assignments, real-life case study, research or dialogue. Non-examination based assessment can motivate students to think critically, and it is better than requesting students to sit for 3 hours examination under stressful condition. Furthermore, assignment can assess students in term of communication, reading and writing. Non-examination based assessments are more effective in preparing students for the real-world job situation. 
Conclusion In conclusion, examination should be comprised of other assessment methods to ensure fair and comprehensive assessment is used to evaluate students. With more flexible approach to examination, students can comprehend the knowledge easily as they are able to utilize the knowledge in workplace. This research provides reference and guidance for lecturers and also universities to revise the current examination system. However, this research has its limitation. The interview session was set for 15 minutes. Due to the time limitation, participants did not have sufficient time to think deeper for each of the question asked thoroughout the interview.
Reference: Whelan,A.,& Brown,J.(2011). Does the seen examination promote or constrain student learning?. Practitioner Research in Higher Education 5 (1). 
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