James Roskell
The purpose of the research is to investigate the players path through a game level when sound is implemented. This study will also consider the functions sound has within the game for example: Giving information to the player and ‘leading’ the player through a level (or away from elements in a game level) through sounds triggering emotional responses.
The method of collection of data for this research is by first designing and developing two video games, firstly a basic platformer and secondly a first-person shooter. Both of these games will be created with both a silent version, and a sound-scaped version. To collect data, a questionnaire will be developed which will question the player on their experiences and paths taken throughout their play-through of the level/game in question.
The expected outcome is that the games with sound enabled will allow the player to feel more immersed in the game world and overall lead to a better player experience, as the experience will more effectively represent realism within the game world, additionally it is expected that the player will follow a much more predictable path through the game with the sound active.
James Roskell
Research Question
- To discover the importance of the editions of sound in video games, identifying which section of the game requires sound to improve the quality of the game for example opening theme music or the ambient music during the first levels of the game.
- Does the users prefer to have sound, background music in the game or do the users prefer silent games, for example the first person shooter games engages the user by using the sound effects as if they are actually on a battlefields. Gunfire sounds, reloading sounds,
- Analyse the role/function of audio in games.
- Examine responses from the player by asking questions for example if they feel stressed, relaxed, scared or nervous. The responses would be by a questionnaire on a 1 to 10 scale?. An example question would be "did the tense music in a dark scene or level did this make u anxious" if an enemy was nearby. How tense was this on scale 1 to 10.
- Examples of games in which have poor or good sound., for example early games such as pong had limited sound which complemented the game.
- Produce two games one with sound added another without sound.