Aerial photograph of Bailrigg Campus

Estate Development

The Estate Development team project manage new building, refurbishment and infrastructure projects to improve Lancaster University's facilities. Find out more about current and past campus development projects below.

Investing in a sustainable future

The University has invested more than £220 million in development projects since 2013 to build a campus that can support world-class teaching and research. Since the University declared a climate emergency in 2020, the capital development programme has been reshaped to dramatically reduce the impact that new-build developments have on the environment. As the University continues to grow, we are being smarter with space - repurposing existing spaces and adapting the way we work for the good of the planet.

Lancaster University campus

Our Estate Strategy

Drawing on learning following the impact of the pandemic, the changes in the way we now work, the Estate Strategy presents new sustainable space options and seeks to accommodate our demographic growth forecasts against our carbon reduction targets by maximising opportunities to recycle and repurpose our existing space.

Estate Strategy

Works News...

Low Carbon Energy Centre and Solar Photovoltaic Farm

Two projects which will virtually eliminate the use of gas to heat Lancaster’s Bailrigg campus have taken a major step closer to reality.

Solar Farm
An artist's impression of the Low Carbon Energy Centre

Management School East Estate Redevelopment Project

A project to develop the Management School East Estate into a revamped facility for the students, staff, and businesses of tomorrow will commence in summer 2024.

Management School East Estate
Management School main entrance.
Management School main entrance.
Architects impression of the New Engineering Building from the Spine approach
Architects impression from the Spine approach.

New Engineering Building

John Turner Construction Group have commenced the construction phase of a new, three-storey Engineering Building as the University’s Engineering Department looks to expand to become a prestigious School of Engineering.

New Engineering

The latest version of Campus Master Plan was created by the University's architects and underpins our commitment to provide world-class teaching and research facilities.

Campus Masterplan

Recently Completed...

Take a look through our building archives at various capital development projects and other major campus developments.

Recent projects