May 18, 2024, the 7th International Fascination of Plants Day

Join us for fascination of Plants Day on Lancaster market

This year’s Fascination of Plants Day, a plant scientists’ initiative, has already been adopted by 63 countries worldwide. All information about this initiative can be accessed via www.plantday18may.organd is supported worldwide by a network of National Coordinators who voluntarily promote and disseminate the activity within their countries. A variety of over 868 plant-based outreach activities for all interested people from toddlers to grandparents have already been uploaded online by scientific institutions, universities, botanical gardens, and museums, together with farmers and companies, who will open their doors for you to enjoy the interactive events.

This special day will put the fascinating world of plants itself in the spotlight: numerous activities on and around the Fascination of Plants Day, under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) and the Global Plant Council, will plant virtual and constantly germinating seeds in the collective minds of the global public recalling that plant science is of critical significance to the social, environmental and economic landscape now and in future.

The previous editions of International Fascination of Plants Days were an incredible start to the initiative – over 810 events were organized in 54 countries worldwide in 2022, attracting many thousands of people – read about the success stories for yourself!

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