Let us consider a simple Phase III trial comparing a new treatment with a control .
This trial will test the one sided hypothesis
or where
We may consider simulating many aspects of the trial by understanding the random variables involved. Let us examine those related to efficacy.
A patient is assigned to a group
Suppose a patient is assigned to with probability then
Patient observations
Based on the form of the data we may assume observations on each treatment are iid and follow some known distribution, for example:
Patients on
Patients on
We may find summary statistics for and
from which we may construct our hypothesis test based on in the usual way.
simulate realisations of the trial record the results for then we estimate the probability of rejecting by
Comments on reliability of this?
It is impractical to simulate the whole trial each time, instead we make use of the summary statistics.
For example, the number of patients assigned to is
and hence the number of patients to is determined
From this we know
This allows far easier simulation of the trial.
Assume the randomisation will give us known allocation to each treatment group, and we reject when .
The following R code would simulate to find the probability of rejecting
#given variables theta sd m k #simulate trial thetahat = rnorm(m,theta,sd) mean(thetahat>k)
Evaluation of statistical methods
complex trial design
optimisation of adaptive methods
understanding the impact of protocol deviation
Bayesian methods (a key part of MCMC)
Further reading Morris, T. P., White, I. R., & Crowther, M. J. (2019). Using simulation studies to evaluate statistical methods. Statistics in medicine, 38(11), 2074-2102.