different groups of patients are studied concurrently (in parallel). Patients receive a single therapy (or combination of therapies) estimate of treatment effect is based upon a between-subject comparison.
patient receives both treatment for example, matching parts of anatomy (e.g. limbs, eyes, kin etc) estimate of treatment effect is based upon within-subject comparison. (symmetry can be problematic!)
patients receive a sequence of treatments; the order determined by randomisation estimate of treatment effect based upon ’within-subject’ comparisons.
aim to stop trials early. Sequential analyses: strict -/ group sequential.
study all possible treatment combinations, for example, placebo/control, A, B and AB. Allow for investigation of interactions.
aim to address ethical issues: proportion of patients receiving inferior treatment diminishes (ethics).
problems with informed consent: randomise patient to standard/experimental treatment. Treat standard group as if not in the trial seek consent from experimental group and analyse as randomised.
aim to show treatments are as efficacious but fewer side effects: comparing new to standard.
one-sided equivalence trials.
(perhaps with meta analysis): studies which combine trial results qualitatively or quantitatively.
Definition “A cross-over trial is one in which subjects are given sequences of treatments with the object of studying differences between individual treatments (or sub-sequences of treatments).” (Senn, 1993)
Randomisation: the order of the treatments is assigned at random.
The times when treatments are administered are called treatment periods, or simply periods.
Simple, example (2 period, 2 treatments)
Sequence | Period 1 | Period 2 |
Group 1 | A | B |
Group 2 | B | A |
Within-subject comparisons: patients act as their own control
elimination of between-patient variation
Sample size is smaller: same number of observations with fewer patients
Precision increased: can achieve the same degree precision
in estimation with fewer observations.
Further reading (Senn 1993, Sec. 1.3)
Disadvantages of Cross-Over Trials (Senn 1993, Sec. 1.4)
drop outs: patients may withdraw
only suitable for certain indications
period by treatment interaction: the treatment effect is not constant over time
carry-over effect: “Carry-over is the persistence […] of a treatment applied in one period in a subsequent period of treatment.”
inconvenience to patients: several treatments, longer total time under observation (sometimes advantage!)
analysis is more complex: pairs of measurement; may be systematic differences between periods.
What may be done about carry-over? (Senn 1993, Sec. 1.8)
wash-out period:
“A wash-out period is a period in a trial during which the effect of a treatment given previously is believed to disappear. If no treatment is given during the wash-out period then the wash-out is passive. If a treatment is given during the wash-out period than the wash-out is active.”
example for active wash-out: 4 weeks under each of two treatments, but only second two weeks as observation period.
Where are cross-over trials useful? (Senn 1993, Sec. 1.5)
chronic diseases which are relatively stable (e.g. asthma)
other examples: rheumatism, migraine, moderate hypertension, epilepsy
single-dose trials (PK/PD) rather than long-term trials
drugs with rapid, reversible effects rather than ones with persistent effects.
Various types of cross-over design exist but we shall focus upon the so-called design:
two treatment, two period cross-over
two sequences: 1) AB and 2) BA
also called AB/BA design (more specific)
in the following normally distributed endpoint considered
Motivating example: asthma trial.
Example (Senn 1993, Sec. 3.1)
Reference: Graff-Lonnevig V, Browaldh L (1990) Clinical and Experimental Allergy 20: 429-432.
The objective is to compare the effects of formoterol (exp) and salbutamol (std).
13 children (aged 7 to 14 y) with moderate to severe asthma.
200 g subatomic, 12 g formoterol: bronchodilators.
Primary endpoint
peak expiratory flow (PEF, [l/min]): a measure lung function
several measurements during the first 12 hours after drug intake
measurements after 8 hours considered here.
NOTE patient 8 dropped out after first period
not mentioned by Graff-Lonnevig V, Browaldh L (1990)!
randomised (randomisation procedure?): order of treatments assigned at random the sequence group
double-blind: double-dummy technique
two treatment, two period cross-over (AB/BA design)
wash-out period of at least one day.
Sequence | Period 1 | Wash-Out | Period 2 |
for/sal | formoterol | no treatment | salbutamol |
sal/for | salbutamol | no treatment | formoterol |
Unnumbered Figure: Link
Unnumbered Figure: Link
A simple analysis: ignoring the effect of period. (Senn 1993, Sec.3.2, 3.3)
calculate the so called “cross-over differences” (formoterol-salbutamol) for each subject
perform a one-sample t-test for the differences (i.e. a paired t-test).
normally distributed differences
expectation(diff) = true treatment effect.
Mean: , standard deviation: ,
test statistic
confidence interval
“factors that might cause the differences not to be distributed at random about the true treatment effect”
period effect (e.g. hay fever: pollen count)
period by treatment interaction
patient by treatment interaction: cannot be investigated in AB/BA design
patient by period interaction.
Let denote the expectation for treatment B,
denote the treatment effect (treatment A - treatment B)
denote period effect (period 2 - period 1).
Then we can express the expected values for the AB/BA design:
Sequence | Period 1 | Period 2 |
AB | ||
BA |
Treatment effect
Compute the expected period differences
for each sequence group (1:(AB), 2:(BA)):
subtract the expected period differences:
divide by 2 to yield .
and the period effect……
Compute the expected period differences for each sequence group:
sum the expected period differences:
divide by -2 to yield .
Adjusting for a period effect (Senn 1993; Sec.3.5) using cross-over differences. So-called Hills-Armitage approach.
“basic estimators”
definition (Senn 1993, p 43) ‘A basic estimator of a given treatment contrast is the given contrast calculated for an individual.’
here: difference at 8 hours in the PEF under formoterol and salbutamol (formoterol - salbutamol).
Calculate basic estimators for each individual.
Calculate means and std dev of basic estimators
for both sequence groups .
Estimate the treatment effect: .
sequence | n | ||
for/sal | 7 | 30.7 | 33.0 |
sal/for | 6 | 62.5 | 44.7 |
Subtract sequence group means as opposed to summing them and
divide by -2.
n.b the standard error is the same for the treatment and period
effect: why?
n.b You can work with either the period differences or the
cross-over differences but need to use appropriate formulas!
What is the association between the ’period-differences’ (period 1 - period 2) and the cross-over differences? (treatment A - treatment B, say)
Sequence | Period 1 | Period 2 |
AB | ||
BA |
and carry-over effects (, , and as above)
How could you/can use the cell means to estimate carry over effects?
only the difference between and identifiable
based upon differences between sequences.
Testing for carry-over
estimate is based upon ’between-patient’ variation low power of test
the carry over effect is confounded with period-treatment interaction in design
two-stage procedure biased estimator of treatment effect.
do not test for carry-over!
Conclusion (Senn 1993, p 69)
‘No help regarding this problem is to be expected from the data. The solution lies entirely in design.’
Further reading: Senn (1993), Senn (1997).
Three types of baseline measurements
taken before first treatment
taken after completion of first treatment, before start of second
taken after completion of second treatment.
Further reading: Senn (1993), Section 3.15.
Senn S (1993) Cross-over trials in clinical research. Wiley, Chichester.
Senn S (1997) Statistical issues in drug development. Wiley, Chichester.
Jones B, Kenward MG (1990) Design and analysis of cross-over trials. Chapman & Hall, London.
Senn S et al. An incomplete blocks cross-over in asthma. In: Vollmar J, Hothorn LA (eds). Cross-over clinical trials. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
‘Randomised Consent Design’
randomise patients to standard or experimental treatment
standard group treated as if not in trial
experimental group is offered exp. treatment, but can have standard
analysis according to randomisation.
Purpose: avoid problems associated with getting informed consent
Is this ethical?
Further reading
Zelen M (1979) NEJM 300, 1242-1245.
Zelen M (1982) Cancer Treatment Reports 66, 1095-1100.
Zelen M (1990) Statistics in Medicine 9, 645-656.