MATH454/554: Project I
TO BE HANDED IN BY MONDAY 27/11/2017 (WEEK 8), 10:00.
This project will contribute 16% towards the final mark.
Submission: Upload the pdf of your answer and your R code file to the Moodle site. Your R code should be as .r or .txt file so that it can be copied and pasted to run. Submit also a printed copy of your report (no need for a printed copy of the R code), together with a plagiarism cover sheet, to the MSc submissions pigeon hole. Please write your student ID on your answers, not your name.
An AR(1) time series model satisfies and for ,
where ’s are independent and identically distributed according to .
Suppose that we observe data from the AR(1) process.
Write down the log-likelihood function for given , . [2]
Derive the maximum likelihood estimates of and given . [3]
Hint: Compute first and then insert into the computation of .
Suppose that observation is missing for some .
Show that the conditional distribution of given (the vector excluding ), and is [2]
Hint: If is a random variable with pdf then .
Write down and identify the moments of which are required to compute . [2]
Write an R routine to compute the MLE’s of given . [5]
Apply your routine to ardata.txt, where observation 15 is missing. (Note that observation 15 is set equal to 0 in the data file.) Report the MLE’s of and . [2]