4 The EF likelihood and ML estimation

4.2 The likelihood for a GLM

We now turn to an arbitrary GLM. The first issue is to decide which parameters in a GLM need to be indexed by i. Here is the indexed diagram for a GLM:

Unnumbered Figure: Link

The key is that βp is common to all observations. The likelihood combines the information about 𝜷 from all observations because the responses Yi, i=1,,n are observed independently.

The pmf/pdf of Yi, f(yi|μi), conditional on the explanatory variables, is in the EF with mean μi. For discrete observations the the likelihood is exactly Pr(data|parameter), the joint mass function evaluated at the data. For continuous observations the likelihood is proportional to the joint density function evaluated at the data. Hence

(𝝁) = i=1nlogf(yi|μi),g(𝝁)n.

The likelihood could be written as a function of the coefficients β, the only unknown parameters that need estimating. Equivalently we write as a function from 𝝁:g(𝝁)n as this notation allows us to compare different models. The saturated and null models are taken as =n and =1 respectively.

Exercise 4.38
Write down the log-likelihood for observations from the exponential distribution with mean μi, i=1,2,,n. Find the log-likelihood for the null and saturated models.


Exercise 4.39
Maximise this log-likelihood for the null and saturated models based on this exponential pdf.