3 The exponential family

3.1 Moment and cumulant generating functions

Suppose Y is a one dimensional random variable with distribution specified by the pdf f(y) or fY(y) (or by a pmf).

Definition 3.1.1.

the moment generating function of Y, the mgf, is


defined for all real values of the dummy variable s such that M is finite.

For instance, with s=3, M(3)=𝔼[exp{3Y}]. The expectation is either evaluated analytically or computed numerically. The integral is a sum when f is a pmf.

It takes its name from the following property obtained by differentiating with respect to s and evaluating at s=0.

M(s)=𝔼[exp{sY}] st M(0)=𝔼[1]=1
M(s)=𝔼[Yexp{sY}] st M(0)=𝔼[Y]
M′′(s)=𝔼[Y2exp{sY}] st M′′(0)=𝔼[Y2]

and so on. It gives the moments of Y about the origin.

Definition 3.1.2.

The cumulant generating function of Y is the log of the mgf


Its first two derivatives deliver the mean and the variance explicitly.

K(s)=logM(s) st K(0)=logM(0)=0
K(s)=ddslogM(s)=M(s)M(s) st K(0)=M(0)M(0)=𝔼[Y]
K′′(s)=M′′(s)M(s)-M(s)2M(s)2 st K′′(0)=𝔼[Y2]-𝔼[Y]2=var(Y).

Exercise 3.18
Find the mgf and cgf of the Poisson distribution with parameter λ. Hence show the mean and variance of Y are both λ.