5 Continuous Markov chains

5.7 Applications

5.7.1 The single-server queue

This is quite a realistic model for a queue in which the numbers increase by 1 upon the arrival of a new customer and decrease by 1 when a customer departs after they have been served. Assuming that these occur randomly at respective rates μ and λ, irrespective of the queue size, except that no more customers join the queue if it is full (of size n), we can represent this by a cts MC model with TP rate matrix, illustrated for the case n=4:


The first and last rows represent reflecting barriers at 0 and n. The states all intercommunicate and we could determine the asymptotic distribution by solving πQ=0 for the invariant distribution.

However it is simpler to observe that the system satisfies detailed balance.

πiQi,i+1=πi+1Qi+1,i implies that


Thus πj is a geometric progression and


We divide the vector by its sum


to get


5.7.2 Telephone or immigration/death model

A mobile phone “cell” can support a maximum number of phonecalls N; let new calls start with rate γ and let each call finish with rate λ, so that if there are i calls ongoing then the rate of calls finishing is λi.

This is also known as the immigration/death model. Consider a system which can support a population (e.g. worms, bacteria, people) up to size N. Let immigrants arrive at the system with rate γ; any potential immigrants are turned away if there are N immigrants in the system. Further suppose that immigrants die at a rate proportional to the number, i, of immigrants in the system λi.

The rate matrix for this system has


and so we may use detailed balance to show that the equilibrium distribution is given by


(See coursework question for details).