3 Generating functions

3.1 Generating functions and their properties

Definition 3.1.1.

Let X be a nonnegative integer-valued rv with P(X=i)=pi, for i= 0, 1, 2, 3, …. Then the probability generating function (pgf) of X is


G(z) is well defined, i.e. is (absolutely) convergent for any numerical value of z in |z|1, because pi converges. It may, of course, converge in a larger region than this.

A simple but useful example is when X is a Bernoulli variable with

p0=P(X=0)=q and p1=P(X=1)=p

with X taking no other values. Then


which is defined for all z.

Figure 3.1: Link, Caption: none provided

For real z in [0,1], G(z) is increasing from G(0)=p0 to G(1)=pi=1 provided X has a proper distribution. We shall also consider cases where X is not proper, so that G(1)<1. One example could be the hitting time of 0 in the gambler’s ruin problem.

Proposition 3.1.2 (Properties of pgfs).
  • (a)

    There is a unique correspondence (1:1) between a pmf {pi} and the corresponding pgf G(z). So if we know that X has a pgf G(z) which may be expanded:


    then X must have the pmf {p0, p1, p2, p3, }.

  • (b)

    The moments of a (proper) rv X can be derived from G(z):


    by which we mean ddzG(z) evaluated at z=1. Also


    This gives E(X2)=G′′(1)+μ so that Var(X)=G′′(1)+μ-μ2.

  • (c)

    Distributions of sums of independent rvs can be found.

    Let X and Y be independent rvs with pmfs {pi} and {qj} respectively, and let S=X+Y have pmf {rk}. Then S has pgf


    the product NOT the sum of the pgf’s of X and Y.


(a) is a result from mathematical analysis which is not proved here.

For example if X has pgf


then X has pmf p0=1/2, p1=1/4, p2=1/8, ….

We shall solve some problems by finding an expression for G(z), and then obtaining the pmf by expanding G(z) as a power series. To do this we shall use some standard expansions. If necessary we use the formula for a Taylor (or Maclaurin) series about z=0.

Proof of (b) - first version. Differentiate G(z) term by term:

ddz(p0+p1z+p2z2+p3z3+)=p1+p2 2z+p3 3z2+

which on setting z=1 gives


Proof of (b) - second version. Differentiate inside the expectation:


which on setting z=1 gives E(X). This is possible because expectation is linear, i.e. we can let h0 in


Example. Find the mean and variance of a random variable with pgf G(z)=1/(2-z).


and so μ=E(X)=1. Further,


so E[X(X-1)]=2 and Var(X)=2+μ-μ2=2.

Proof of (c).


We are using here the fact that X and Y are independent, from which it follows that any function of X is independent of any function of Y. In particular here zX and zY are independent, and the expectation of the product of independent rvs is the product of their expectations. ∎

Corollary 3.1.3.

Let X1, X2, …, Xn be mutually independent rvs each with the same distribution and therefore the same pgf G(z). Then their sum


has pgf


This follows from repeated application of the previous result.

Example. Let Xi be a Bernoulli process, so that G(z)=q+pz. Calculate the pgf of S=i=1nXi, and hence its distribution.

By 3.1.3:


Now we can expand this (Binomial expansion) to get


Reading off the coefficient of zi, we see that S has a Binomial(n,p) distribution.