Math330 Exercises Week 4

  • WS4.1

    Consider independent identically distributed data x1,,xn taken from the Weibull model with pdf


    , where x0, with α>0 and β>0. Calculate the log-likelihood function for these data.

    For fixed α, find β^α, the maximum likelihood β value given α.

    Compute the profile log-likelihood for α.

    Write down an equation that α^, the MLE of α, has to satisfy.

  • WS4.2

    The figure depicts the profile deviance of θ for a statistical model with two parameters, (θ,ϕ).

    Figure 1: Link, Caption: None

    From the graph, approximately construct a 95% confidence interval for θ.

  • CW4.3

    A random variable X is said to follow a Poisson(μ) distribution [denoted as XPoisson(μ)] if it has mass function given by


    In the sequel, consider n independent random variables, where XiPoisson(μi), with μi=exp(α+βzi), and where zi is a known explanatory variable corresponding to observation i.

    • (a)

      Write down the log-likelihood function l(α,β). (2 marks)

    • (b)

      Consider a reparametrised version of this model, where α*=i=1nμi/n and β*=β are the new parameters. The log-likelihood function for (α*,β*) is given by


      From the expression of l(α*,β*), and without performing any calculations, explain why it is immediate that the new parametrisation corresponds to parameter orthogonality. (3 marks)

      Using this knowledge, sketch contours of l(α*,β*) and mention their most salient features. (2 marks)

    • (c)

      Find the profile deviance for α*, D*(α*). (2 marks)

    • (d)

      The following figure displays the profile deviance of α* for a certain set of data.

      Figure 2: Link, Caption: None

      Find, by eye, the maximum likelihood estimate of α* and a 90% confidence interval. (1 mark)