4 Information and Asymptotics


We now discuss parameter orthogonality, which has important consequences for likelihood characteristics and inference.

Let θ=(ϕ,λ) of dimension d1 and d2 respectively (d1+d2=d), i.e. ϕ=(ϕ1,,ϕd1) and λ=(λ1,,λd2). The expected information matrix, IE(θ), can be partitioned as follows


where Iϕϕ(θ) has (i,j)th element


similarly Iλλ(θ) has (i,j)th element


and Iϕλ(θ) has (i,j)th element


Definition of Orthogonality
We define ϕ to be orthogonal to λ if Iϕλ(θ)=𝟎, i.e. the elements of this matrix satisfy the property


for i=1,,d1 and j=1,,d2 whatever value of θ in Ω.

Closely linked to this is the orthogonality of the observed information matrix at θ^.

Orthogonality of (ϕ,λ) means that the maximum likelihood estimates ϕ^ and λ^ are asymptotically independent. This has a number of practical advantages:

  1. 1.

    Parameter interpretation;

  2. 2.

    The asymptotic standard error for estimating ϕ is the same whether λ is treated as known or unknown;

  3. 3.

    Likelihood based confidence intervals are simpler to summarize and interpret.