Math330 Additional Exercises 1

This sheet gives additional exercises covering Chapters 1-3 of the course.

  1. 1.

    Consider n independent observations from a Poisson(θ) distribution, that is


    where i=1,,n.

    • (a)

      Write down the expression for the log-likelihood function l(θ), and use it to find θ^, the maximum likelihood estimate.

    • (b)

      Give an expression for a 95% confidence interval for θ.

    • (c)

      Let ϕ denote the probability that Xi=1. Write ϕ as a function of θ. Find the maximum likelihood estimator of ϕ and its asymptotic distribution. (2004 A2)

  2. 2.

    Let X1,,Xn be an IID sample from the Beta(α,1) distribution with density


    Write down the likelihood and log-likelihood for the problem of estimating α.

    Calculate the MLE, α^ and its asymptotic distribution.

    What is the asymptotic distribution of logα^? (2002 A2)

  3. 3.

    The left panel of the figure below shows 25 observations drawn independently from a Normal(μ=5,σ2=9) distribution and a histogram of the data. It also shows 4 density functions corresponding to different Normal distributions. The right panel gives the contours of the log-likelihood function l(μ,σ) assuming a Normal(μ,σ2) model for the data. Each of the 4 points (labelled “0” to “3”) corresponds to one of the densities (labelled “a” to “d”) in the left panel.

    Figure 1: Link, Caption: None

    Match the points in the right panel with the densities in the left panel, explaining clearly your reasoning.