MATH319 Exercises

8 Workshop Exercise 4

W4.1 Find the gain Γ and phase change ϕ of the transfer function T associated with the linear differential equation


with y(0)=y(0)=0=u(0); here y is the output and u is the input.

W4.2 Nyquist and Bode Plots Recall s=iω and let


(i) Plot the Nyquist locus of T.

(ii) Let Γ(ω) be the gain and let ϕ(ω) be the phase of T. The Bode plot consists of the graphs of logΓ(ω) and ϕ(ω) against ω. Produce the Bode plot for -100<ω<100.

W4.3 Descartes’s Rule of Signs Let σ be the number of changes in sign in the real sequence a0,,an, ignoring 0. Let r be the number of positive roots of


Then rσ, and σ-r is even.

Deduce the possible value of r for the polynomial equations:

(i) -2+3x+5x2+x3=0;

(ii) 2+3x-4x2+(1/2)x3+x4-x5+6x2-x7=0.

(iii) Find the roots of


numerically; hence find r.

(iv) Likewise, find the roots of


numerically; hence find r.

W4.4 (i) Find the zeros of the polynomial


(ii) Obtain numerical approximations to the zeros of


(iii) Discuss which of these polynomials p,q,r is stable.

W4.5 More Bode Plots (i) Let T(s)=p(s)/q(s), where p(s) and q(s) are polynomials with real coefficients; then T(s) is said to be a real rational function. Show that the gain Γ and phase ϕ of T satisfy

Γ(ω)=Γ(-ω),ϕ(-ω)=-ϕ(ω)  (ω𝐑).

(ii) For T(s)=1/(1+s) and s=ıω, plot logΓ(ω) and ϕ(ω) against ω for -100<ω<100.

(iii) When T(s) is a transfer function as in (i), we can plot logΓ and ϕ against logω for 0<ω<. Do this for T(s)=1/(1+s).

W4.6 Let K be the matrix


where m,n,x,y are all integers.

(i) By considering detK-1, show that K has an inverse K-1 with integer entries, if and only if my+xn=±1.

(ii) Show that the condition of (i) is equivalent to m and n having highest common factor 1.

(iii) Show conversely that if m and n have highest common factor 1, then one can choose integers x and y such that K as above is invertible and K-1 has integer entries.

W4.7 Let T(s)=a+(b/s) with complex a,b.

(i) Compute T(iω)T(iω)¯ and show that the gain satisfies


(ii) Derive an expression for eiϕ(ω).

W4.9. For


let T:M2(𝐂)M2(𝐂) be the operator

T(X)=AX+XB  (XM2(𝐂)).

(i) Show that T is linear.

(ii) Find ker(T)={X:T(X)=0} and image(T)={T(X):XM2(𝐂)}.