MATH319 Slides

45 MIMO (A,B,C,D)

Definition (A,B,C,D)

Let A,B,C,D be constant complex matrices with shapes: A (n×n); B (n×k); C (m×n); D (m×k). Then the linear system with k inputs, n states and m outputs is


Here U is the input, X is the state, and Y is the output.

i) If k=1, then we say the system is single input; if m=1, then the system is single output. If k=m=1, then the system is SISO.

ii) If k>1, then we say the system is multi input; if m>1 then the system is multi output.

iii) If k1 and m1, then we call the system MIMO. (SISO is a special case of MIMO)