MATH319 Slides

4 Chapter 1: Linear systems and their description

Let 𝐂 be the field of complex numbers, let V and W be vector spaces over 𝐂, so λf+μgV for all f,gV and λ,μ𝐂. Time is t>0. A map L:VW is called linear if


The following give the basic examples with

V=W={continuously differentiable functionsf:[0,)𝐂}.

i) Differentiation Lf=dfdt; symbolised by [d/dt];

ii) Integration Lf(x)=0xf(t)𝑑t, symbolised as [];

iii) an amplifier is multiplication by a𝐂, symbolised as [a];

iv) Multiplication by hV, Lf(t)=h(t)f(t) symbolised as [h];

v) Evaluation at t0, ff(t0) symbolised as [δt0].