MATH319 Slides

167 Appendix A: MATLAB commands concluded

Q=lyap(A,P) [given positive definite P and square A, solves AQ+QA=-P]

X=lyap(A,B,C) [solves AX+XB=-C]

t=-100:0.1:100 [introduces the vector [-100, -100+0.1, ,100]]

plot(y) [plots the imaginary part of y versus the real part of y]

angle (z) [computes the argument of the complex number z]

laplace((t2)*exp(2*t)) [computes the Laplace transform of t2e2t, and gives values in a variable s]

nyquist(T) [plots the Nyquist locus of a given real rational function]

bode(T) [created the Bode pole of a real rational function] Beware: nyquist and bode have difficulties with complex coefficients.

[g,c,d]=gcd(a,b) [computes the greatest common divisor of a and b and expresses the gcd as ac+bd]