MATH319 Slides

122 Positive definite matrices

We write z=(zj)j=1n and w=(wj)j=1n, and introduce the inner product z,w=j=1nzjw¯j. We define the adjoint of a n×n matrix A=[ajk] by A=[a¯kj], interchanging the rows and columns and taking the complex conjugate. If A is real then A=AT, the transpose. An n×n complex matrix K is said to be positive definite if K=K and Kz,z>0 for all z𝐂n such that z0. Beware that the product of positive definite matrices is generally not positive definite.

Lemma (MATH220 Theorem 5.15)

Let K be a (n×n) complex matrix such that K=K. Then the following are equivalent:

(i) Kz,z>0 for all z𝐂n such that z0;

(ii) the eigenvalues κj of K are all real and κj>0 for all j;

(iii) the leading principal minors Δj of K are all positive, so Δj>0 for all j.