MATH319 Slides

110 Stability cases

Consider dX/dt=AX with X(0)=X0. This has solution X(t)=exp(tA)X0, and we distinguish the following cases.

(i) Unstable: X(t) (t>0) is unbounded for some X0, which occurs when either λj>0 for some eigenvalue λj of A, or λj=0 for some λj that has a Jordan block of size 2.

(ii) Marginally stable: X(t) is bounded for t>0 for all X0, which occurs when λj<0, or λj=0 and the corresponding Jordan blocks are all of size 1×1. Later we will regard this marginal case as BIBO unstable.

(iii) Exponentially stable: there exist M,δ>0 such that X(t)Me-δt for all t>0 and all X0. This occurs when λj<0 for all eigenvalues λj.