Submission is due on Tuesday in Week 8.
In a coin throwing experiment the trials are independent and is the probability of a head on any throw.
Write down the likelihood function of when the observed outcome is the ordered sequence
[marks: 1]
The figure below shows both likelihoods on the same graph, scaled by the MLE so that both are on the same scale. Comment on the similarities and differences.
Note: The plots are of the relative likelihood, which is defined as .
[marks: 2]
Now suppose throws are performed and heads are observed. Write down the resulting likelihood and log-likelihood functions.
[marks: 2]
Find the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of . What is the value of the MLE for situation (ii) above?
[marks: 2]
Given your chosen model for (c), show that the maximum likelihood estimator is unbiased.
[marks: 1]
Show that the maximum likelihood estimator is consistent. (Hint: an unbiased estimator is also consistent if its variance tends to zero as ).
[marks: 2]
Unnumbered Figure: Link
Relative likelihoods for situations (i) and (ii) in CW7.2