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Illustration for other distributions through simulation

Figure 9.1 (Link) illustrates the distribution of X¯n for varying n, when each Xi has a Uniform(0,1) distribution. The plots are histograms of 2000 realisations of X¯n for n=1, 10, 100 and 1000, i.e. to make the plot in the lower left-hand corner we have taken the mean of 100 Uniform(0,1)-distributed random variables 2000 times.

Figure 9.1: Link, Caption: Histograms of 2000 realisations of X¯n for n=1, 10, 100 and 1000 when XiUniform(0,1).

Figure 9.1 (Link) shows that the distribution of X¯n concentrates more and more around μ=0.5 as n gets larger reflecting the fact that the variance decreases to 0 as n increases. Furthermore the shape of the histogram - even at n=10 resembles that of a Normal distribution.

Figure 9.2 (Link) illustrates the distribution of n(X¯n-μ) for n=1, 2, 5 and 10 when the X’s are uniform. Figure 9.3 (Link) illustrates the distribution when the X’s are exponential.

The pdf for the approximating normal distribution is superimposed on each of the histograms. Note the very fast convergence to a normal in the uniform case and the somewhat slower convergence in the exponential case. In the uniform cases the normal approximation is very good for n10, say. For the exponential it takes to around n=30 (exercise: you can plot the density for different n in this case yourself and see the convergence, since 1ni=1nXi𝖦𝖺𝗆(n,n)).

Figure 9.2: Link, Caption: Histograms of 2000 realisations of n(X¯n-12) for n=1, 2, 5 and 10 when XiUniform(0,1). The pdf of a N(0,112) distribution is superimposed on each histogram.
Figure 9.3: Link, Caption: Histograms of 2000 realisations of n(X¯n-1) for n=1, 2, 5 and 10 when XiExponential(1). The pdf of a N(0,1) distribution is superimposed on each histogram.