Often we are interested in not two new variables, and , but in just one, say. To obtain the pdf of alone we have to create a dummy variable , obtain the joint pdf of and , then integrate to get the marginal distribution of .
Define a new variable which makes a one-to-one bivariate transformation between and . The choice of is essentially arbitrary and can be made for convenience. Sometimes some trial and error is required.
Find the joint pdf of and .
Find the marginal pdf of :
taking care with the range of integration.
Example 8.1.1 showed that if are independent then and are both marginally (also and are independent, but that is irrelevant to what follows). Ignoring we see that .
If have joint pdf
for and , find the pdf of .
With put . Clearly and . However , so , so . So the joint range is
Unnumbered Figure: Link
The inverse is
so that
and .
The joint pdf of is
for . The marginal pdf of is
for . To check this integrates to :
A transformation of general interest is . We use the dummy variable method to obtain the pdf of . We make the transformation
with as the dummy variable. It follows that the inverse transformation is
so the marginal pdf of is
This formula is known as the convolution formula. It is finding the probability of by summing the probabilities, over all possible , for the pairs in .
Let and , find the density of using the convolution formula.
Solution. For , ,
The range restrictions on and imply that is only non-zero when and . The latter implies . can only be between and . When the restrictions simplify to , whereas when they simplify to Denote the lower and upper bounds for by and for now.
The density is a triangle.
Exam2016 Let () and be independent of each other. The point defines the top-right corner of a rectangle whose bottom-left corner is at the origin, as shown in the figure below. Let be this rectangle, let be its area and let .
Unnumbered Figure: Link
Without performing any calculation, write down the conditional distribution of given .
Solution. (since and )
Derive the joint density of and , ; be sure to state clearly the joint range of and .
Solution. The range (which most students got wrong) is since but . The inverse map is , , so
Then , so with the range as defined above,
Show that the marginal density of is for and elsewhere.
Solution. For ,
which simplifies to the required expression. must be between and since it is the product of two rvs which have these bounds.
Find the conditional density of given .
for .
A new co-ordinate pair is chosen, where and are independent of each other and of and . Show that the probability that is in the (random) rectangle is .
Solution. The point has a uniform distribution in the unit square. So, conditional on knowing , , the area of . Since for any event , , exactly as for any joint probability, we can marginalise by integrating out :
which simplifies to the required expression.
Note that . Provide a derivation of this particular value using simple probability calculations (i.e. without resorting to the calculations similar to those in Parts (b)-(e)).
Solution. When , and have the same distribution, so . Similarly thus
by independence . So