Let be a bivariate rv.
The joint cdf is . .
For a discrete rv, the joint pmf is .
For a continuous rv, the joint pdf is .
For discrete rvs and , the marginal pmf of , is , and the conditional pmf of given is .
For continuous rvs and , the marginal pdf of is , and the conditional pdf of given is .
and are independent if and only if the events and are independent for all sets and : for all , .
An equivalent, but easier to check, condition for independence (of discrete or continuous rvs) is: . For discrete rvs, independence is also equivalent to , whereas for continuous rvs it is equivalent to . When just checking factorisation within the range where the rvs are non-zero, variational independence must also be verified.
Lack of independence can be shown using the two-point method; showing that for some . Alternatively, show that for some .