Home page for accesible maths 10.1 The Bivariate Normal Distribution

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10.1.1 Conditional Distributions

The conditional distribution of Y given X=x can be found using the formula in Section 5.7:


Messy, but straight-forward, calculations will show that the conditional distribution is again normal with expectation


and variance σY|x2=σY2(1-ρ2),


An easier and more elegant way of deriving this result is to use the transformation of (U,V). Let us find the conditional distribution of Y given X=x again using this method. Since X=μX+σXU (10.2) the condition X=x corresponds to the condition U=(x-μX)/σX and inserting this into the expression for Y (10.3) gives


which shows directly that


Notice that the conditional expectation is linear while the conditional variance is constant (does not depend on x).

Also note how the conditional variance depends on ρ. For ρ close to ±1 the term 1-ρ2 is close to 0 and the conditional variance thus small. This is saying that when X and Y are very correlated knowing X gives us a lot of information about Y.

Representing Y as a linear transformation of X plus an independent normal random variable ([(1-ρ2)σY2]1/2V above) is called regressing Y on X and is the idea behind the regression models you will meet in Math 235.

The conditional distribution of X given Y=y can be found analogously to be
