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3.5 Formal proof of the CLT

This proof applies to all random variables for which the mgf M(t) exists on an interval around |t|<a for some a>0.

  1. (a)

    Simplify by standardisation.

    Let X1,X2, be the sequence of interest, where Xi are iid with expectation μ and variance σ2 and consider the iid standardised rvs Xi=(Xi-μ)/σ which have expectation 0 and variance 1. Set Sn=i=1nXi and Sn=i=1nXi. Now


    Thus, if we can prove the result for Sn, when Xi has expectation 0 and variance 1, then it will also hold for Sn with expectation μ and variance σ2. We will find the MGF of Sn/n and show that as n it tends to the MGF of a 𝖭(0,1) random variable.

  2. (b)

    MGF of Sn/n.

    Let Sn=i=1nXi. Exactly as in the main text,

    logMSn/n(t)=nlogMX(t/n). (C.6)
  3. (c)

    Taylor expansion of logMX(t).

    As in the main text, since X has been standardised, MX(0)=1, MX(0)=0 and MX′′(0)=1. Hence, by Taylor expansion,

    MX(t)=MX(0)+tMX(0)+12t2MX′′(0)+=1+t22+terms in t3 and higher powers of t,

    But log(1+y)=y-y2/2+y3/3 so

    logMX(t)=log(1+t22+terms in t3 and higher)=t22+terms in t3 and higher.
  4. (d)

    Limit of logMSn/n(t) as n.

    Consider any fixed value of t. Now, as with the exponential distribution, MX(t) may not exist for large |t|, but for n large enough that |t|/n<a, Mx(t/n)< by assumption.

    So, for n large enough that |t|/n<min(1,a),

    logMX(t/n)=12t2n+terms int3n3/2,t4n2etc.

    Thus, using (C.6), logMSn/n(t) is

    nlogMX(t/n) =n(12t2n+terms in t3n3/2,t4n2 etc.)
    =12t2+terms in t3n1/2,t4n etc.

    as n. i.e. MSn/n(t)et2/2, the mgf of a 𝖭(0,1) rv, as required.