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3.E The Gram-Schmidt process

Finding coordinates with respect to a basis which is orthogonal is quite easy; and if it’s orthonormal, than it’s easier still. The following theorem justifies this statement.

Theorem 3.33.

Let V be an inner product space, basis B=(x1,,xn), and vV.

  1. i.

    If is orthogonal: v=i=1nv,xi||xi||2xi,

  2. ii.

    if is orthonormal: v=i=1nv,xixi.

In other words, the coordinates of v with respect to B are v,x1||x1||2,,v,xn||xn||2.


Since is a basis, we can find scalars αk such that v=k=1nαkxk. Take the inner product of both sides with xi. If the basis is orthogonal, then xk,xi=0 for any ik; so using bilinearity of the inner product:


Solving for αi, and the result follows. ∎

Exercise 3.34:

Let’s illustrate Theorem 3.33 for V=2. Consider the basis =(x1,x2) where x1=(1,1) and x2=(1,-1). This basis is orthogonal since x1,x2=0. Now choose your own vector in 2, and call it v. For your vector, compute the expression i=1nv,xi||xi||2xi. According to Theorem 3.33 the result should be equal to v!

[End of Exercise]

If we are given a basis =(x1,,xn) of an inner product space V, then we may wish to construct a new orthogonal basis 𝒞=(b1,,bn) from it. We do this by the Gram-Schmidt process, as follows:

  1. b1:=x1,

  2. Then, inductively define: bk:=xk-i=1k-1xk,bi||bi||2bi, for each k=2,,n.

The above formula is commonly called the Gram-Schmidt formula.

Exercise 3.35:

For each of the following sequences of vectors x1,x2, apply the Gram-Schmidt process, and compute b1,b2. In each case, draw the four resulting vectors on the same axis.

  1. i.

    x1=(1,0) and x2=(2,2).

  2. ii.

    x1=(2,2) and x2=(1,0).

[End of Exercise]

This construction has the following properties:

Theorem 3.36.

Let B=(x1,,xn) be a basis of an inner product space, and C=(b1,,bn) the sequence of vectors obtained by the Gram-Schmidt process (defined above). Then for each k=1,,n the following are true.

  1. i.


  2. ii.

    (b1,,bk) is an orthogonal sequence of vectors,

  3. iii.



The proof is by induction on k. When k=1, then b1=x10, and the other statements are obvious. Let r>1, then our inductive assumption is that all three statements are true for values of k strictly less than r; i.e. for k<r. With that assumption, we want to prove all three statements for k=r.

If br=0, then xrspan{b1,,br-1}=span{x1,,xr-1}, by the Gram-Schmidt formula together with the assumption (iii) for k=r-1. This contradicts the assumption that is linearly independent. So (i) is true for k=r.

Since we have assumed (ii) for k=r-1, to prove it for k=r we just need to check that br,bj=0 for any j=1,,r-1, which is Exercise 3.38.

Finally, since we have assumed (iii) for k=r-1, we see by the Gram-Schmidt formula that br is a linear combination of elements in (x1,,xr), and thus span{b1,,br}span{x1,,xr}. Equality follows because they are both subspaces of the same dimension (by (i), (ii), and Exercise 3.44). So, by induction, the result it true for all k. ∎

Exercise 3.37:

Choose your own basis x1,x2,x3 of 3 which is not orthogonal. Apply the Gram-Schmidt process to it to obtain a new basis b1,b2,b3. Verify that your new basis is orthogonal. Is it orthonormal?

[End of Exercise]

Exercise 3.38:

In the proof of Theorem 3.36, show that br,bj=0.

[End of Exercise]

Corollary 3.39.

Let WRn be a subspace. There is an orthonormal basis of W. Furthermore, that basis can be extended to an orthonormal basis of Rn.


We omit this proof from the module. Here is a sketch proof: Choose a basis of W (by Theorem 2.36), apply the Gram-Schmidt process to obtain an orthogonal basis of W, then scale to make it orthonormal.

Next, extend to a basis to n (Corollary 2.37), apply the Gram-Schmidt process (the first r vectors are unchanged), and scale to get an orthonormal basis of n. ∎