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3.A Bilinear forms

First we recall how to express the usual notions of length and angle in n, which is our easiest vector space. They both use the following function ,:n×n:


This is the scalar product that you will have seen in previous modules; it is also called the standard inner product on Rn. Instead of writing this product in the way you have seen, xy, we have written it as x,y. So the function ,:n×n sends any pair of vectors in n to a real number. To answer the above questions, we have formulas for the length (also called the norm) of a vector ||x||, and the cosine of the angle θ between two vectors x and y:

  1. ||x||:=x,x (3.1)
  2. cosθ=x,y||x||||y||

Furthermore, the distance between two vectors is defined to be ||x-y||. A vector of length 1 is sometimes called a unit vector.

Figure 3.1: You should visualize a vector as an arrow with the tail at the zero vector, and the head at the point which your vector represents. This image shows what is meant by the phrase “angle between two vectors”. Image credit: Wikipedia, File:Dot product cosine rule.svg
Exercise 3.2:

Let x=(1,2,3) and y=(0,3,4). Calculate the lengths of x and y, as well as the angle between them (you may need a calculator).

[End of Exercise]

Exercise 3.3:

Find the distance between (1,2,3,0,-1) and (0,2,1,-2,1) in 5.

[End of Exercise]

Definition 3.4:

Let V be a vector space over a field F. A function ,:V×VF is called a bilinear form if the following two conditions are satisfied for all αF, and all vectors x,y,zV:

  1. i.

    (Linearity in first argument) αx+y,z=αx,z+y,z

  2. ii.

    (Linearity in second argument) x,αy+z=αx, y+x,z

It is called bilinear, because it is linear in both arguments.

The formulas 3.1 don’t necessarily make sense for any vector space; for example, in an infinite-dimensional vector space, the expression xiyi probably won’t make sense. So the purpose of the definition of a bilinear form is to clarify the important features of the scalar product that we would like to be true in a more general setting. In the same way that fields are abstractions of and , and vector spaces are abstractions of n, we now have bilinear forms are abstractions of the scalar product.

Example 3.5.
  1. i.

    On the vector space Fn, the function x,y=i=1nxiyi is a bilinear form. This follows from the field axioms, such as F11.

  2. ii.

    Let C([0,1]) be the (infinite-dimensional) vector space of all continuous real-valued functions [0,1]. Then f,g:=01f(t)g(t)𝑑t is a bilinear form; see Example 3.15. This example and its variations are studied in some third year modules, such as MATH317.

  3. iii.

    Let V be the (infinite-dimensional) vector space of real-valued random variables on some fixed probability space. Then the expectation X,Y:=𝔼(XY) defines a bilinear form. Similarly, the covariance X,Y:=Cov(X,Y) defines a bilinear form. Both of these examples will be studied in MATH230, and used in many statistics modules.

For this Chapter, we will only consider the vector spaces over , instead of an arbitrary field. Some statements, such as Theorems 3.17 and 3.30 are true for infinite-dimensional real vector spaces (think of Examples 3.5(ii) and (iii)).

We will consider n as the set of column vectors, also known as n×1 matrices. Since column vectors are sometimes cumbersome to typeset, for example v=[123], instead we will follow standard conventions, and often write vectors using the matrix transpose; for example, v=[123]T, which doesn’t cause unnecessary whitespace.

The next theorem gives a complete description of all bilinear forms on n.

Theorem 3.6.

Let ,:Rn×RnR be a bilinear form. Then there is a unique matrix AMn(R) such that


Conversely, for any AMn(R), this formula defines a bilinear form, which we call ,A.

The proof of this Theorem is given as Exercise 3.46. The bilinear form of the matrix A is the function whose formula is given in Theorem 3.6.

Example 3.7.

If A=[3-1-24] then find a formula for x,yA.

Solution: [x1x2],[y1y2]A=[x1x2]A[y1y2]=3x1y1-x1y2-2x2y1+4x2y2.

Exercise 3.8:

Compute x,xA, x,yA, y,xA, y,yA, in the following cases:

  1. i.

    A:=[1001], x:=[10], y:=[11].

  2. ii.

    A:=[1234], x:=[10], y:=[11].

  3. iii.

    A:=[2-1-12], x:=[10], y:=[11].

[End of Exercise]

Exercise 3.9:

Find your own example of a bilinear form for which the following three conditions hold:

  1. [100],[100]=1

  2. [010],[001]=5

  3. [001],[11-2]=3

[ Hint: Try to write down a matrix A, as in Theorem 3.6. ]

[End of Exercise]

Exercise 3.10:

Prove that the bilinear form ,In is the same as the standard scalar product. In other words, prove xTIny=xy, for any vectors x,yn.

[End of Exercise]