Home page for accesible maths 1 Fields and Matrices

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Exercise 1.16:

The elements of a set might, themselves, be sets. For example, {1,{2,3}} has two elements in it: 1, and {2,3}. How many elements are there in the following sets?

  1. i.


  2. ii.

  3. iii.


  4. iv.


Exercise 1.17:

For each of the following sets, determine whether F1 and F2 are satisfied. And if so, determine which of the remaining axioms F3, , F11 are satisfied. Justify your answers.

  1. i.

    The set of positive integers >0:={1,2,3,4,}, with the usual addition and multiplication.

  2. ii.

    The set of 2 by 2 matrices M2() with coefficients in , with matrix addition and matrix multiplication.

  3. iii.

    The set of complex polynomials 𝒫4() of degree less than or equal to 4 (see Example 2.1(v)), with the usual addition and multiplication of polynomials.

  4. iv.

    (Bonus) The set of real numbers in the set +2:={a+b2|a,b}.

Exercise 1.18:

In the real numbers, subtraction is a binary operation: if x,y then x-y. Prove that subtraction is not associative.

Exercise 1.19:

Let F be a field. Prove that row-equivalence defines an equivalence relation on Mn×m(F). In other words, check that

  1. i.

    (“Reflexive”) Every matrix is row-equivalent to itself.

  2. ii.

    (“Symmetric”) If B is row-equivalent to A, then A is row-equivalent to B.

  3. iii.

    (“Transitive”) If B is row-equivalent to A, and C is row-equivalent to B, then C is row-equivalent to A.

In your proof, label every field axiom that you use.

Exercise 1.20:

Find the reduced row echelon form of [140320031]M3(F) when

  1. i.


  2. ii.


  3. iii.


Exercise 1.21:

A student is asked to prove that there is only one multiplicative identity element in any field. In other words, that the multiplicative identity is unique. He writes the following:

[Student box]

Assume there are two different multiplicative identities, 1a and 1b. Then


Contradiction. So the multiplicative identity is unique.

[End of Student box]

This solution has the right idea, but wouldn’t get full marks because he hasn’t explicitly said which field axioms he has used, and where. Fix this problem by writing a complete solution.

Exercise 1.22:

If F is a field, and 0xF, then axiom F10 says there is a multiplicative inverse yF. Prove that the multiplicative inverse is unique, by assuming y1 and y2 both obey xy1=1 and xy2=1, and then use the field axioms to prove that y1=y2.

Exercise 1.23:

Let F be a field, and a,bF. Prove that if ab=0 then either a=0 or b=0.

[ Hint: If you assume ab=0 and a0 and then you should try to use the field axioms to deduce from those assumptions that b=0. ]

Exercise 1.24 (Bonus):

Let F be a field. Prove that (-1)(-1)=1.

Exercise 1.25:

Let A,BMn×n(), with coefficients, and denote by [A]ij the entry in the ith row and jth column of A. Recall that the matrix multiplication formula, for any i,j=1,,n is:


Use the above formula to prove that matrix multiplication is associative; i.e. satisfies F6.

[ Hint: You might need to choose another subscript letter, in addition to i,j, and r.]

Exercise 1.26:

Let A,BMn(F) be invertible matrices. A student is asked to prove that (AB)-1=B-1A-1. His proof goes as follows:

[Student box]

We need to prove that (AB)(B-1A-1)=In. This can be done as follows:

(AB)(B-1A-1) =A(B(B-1A-1))

Therefore, (AB)-1=B-1A-1.

[End of Student box]

What has the student done wrong, and how might he get full marks?

Exercise 1.27:

Let A,B,CMn(F). According to the definition, the matrix A has inverse B when both AB=In and BA=In are true. But maybe only one of those two equations is known to be true? To address this issue, a student is asked to prove directly that if AB=In and CA=In then B=C. His proof goes as follows:

[Student box]

If AB=In, then B=A-1. If CA=In then C=A-1.
Therefore, B=C, since they are both equal to A-1.

[End of Student box]

What has the student done wrong, and how might he get full marks?

Exercise 1.28:

A complex rational function is a function of the form p(x)/q(x), where p and q are complex polynomials (see Example 2.1(v)), and q is not the zero polynomial. The set of complex rational functions is denoted (x), and will be studied in MATH215. Verify that (x) a field with the usual addition and multiplication operations.

Learning objectives for Chapter 1:

Pass Level: You should be able to…

  • Explain the meaning of all emphasized words in the Notational Conventions

  • State some examples and non-examples of fields, invertible matrices, diagonal matrices, and upper / lower triangular matrices

  • Correctly answer, with full justification, at least 50% of the true / false questions relevant to this Chapter.

First class level: You should be able to…

  • Write a complete solution, without referring to any notes, to at least 80% of the exercises in this Chapter, and in particular the proof questions.

  • Correctly answer, with full justification, all of the true / false questions relevant to this Chapter.