Workshop Exercises 4

  • 1.

    Find the greatest and least distances from the origin of the curve 5x2+4xy+2y2=30.

  • 2.

    Find the greatest and least values of xy on the ellipse 4x2-3xy+y2=14.

  • 3.

    Let S be the region in the plane which is bounded by the curves y=x(x-2) and y=x.

    • (i)

      Find the points of intersection of the two curves and sketch the region S.

    • (ii)

      Divide the region S into vertical strips (i.e. having fixed values of x) and hence evaluate the integral:

  • 4.

    Let T be the triangle that is bounded by the lines x=0, y=1 and y=x.

    • (i)

      Sketch T, and show that

    • (ii)

      Write down the other repeated integral expression, and hence or otherwise find the value of

  • 5.

    Use polar coordinates to evaluate

    • (i)

      Ay𝑑x𝑑y, where A is the region defined by y0, 1x2+y24.

    • (ii)

      D1x2+y2+1𝑑x𝑑y, where D is the disc defined by x2+y21.

  • 6.

    Use appropriate changes of variables to determine the following integrals

    • (i)

      Rx2y𝑑x𝑑y, where R is the region given by 1xy2, 1x3y22x3.

    • (ii)

      S𝑑x𝑑y, where S is the region given by 0xy3, 1x2y+x2.