Workshop Exercises 2

  • 1.

    Calculate the length of the parametrized curve γ(t)=(13cost+5t,12sint) between t=0 and t=T.

  • 2.

    A metal bar of length R, with one end fixed at the origin, rotates anti-clockwise at a constant angular velocity of ω radians per second. The free end of the bar is attached to the centre of a disc of radius r, which rotates anti-clockwise about its centre at a constant angular velocity of ρ radians per second. A light is attached to the outer edge of the disc. At time t=0 the metal bar points in the direction of the positive x-axis and the light is at position (r+R,0).

    a) Determine γ(t)=(x(t),y(t)).

    (Hint: Find an expression for the position of the centre C of the disc at time t. Then add to this a vector for the difference between the centre of the disc and the position of the light.)

    b) Suppose r=ω=1 and R=ρ=2. Show that |γ(t)|2=8(1+cost).

    (Hint: you will have to use the difference formula cos(a-b)=cosacosb+sinasinb.)

    c) Determine the distance traversed by the light from time t=0 to t=π.

    (Hint: use cos2a=1-2sin2a.)

  • 3.

    Let γ:2, t(t2+2,(t-1)et); let C be the image of the curve. Determine the equation of the tangent line to C at γ(1).

  • 4.

    Let C be the set of points P in 2 for which the distance from P to the origin is half the distance from P to the line x=3:


    Show that C is an ellipse, and determine the centre of C.

  • 5.

    True or false?

    i) There is exactly one curve between any pair of points in 2.

    ii) For any vector 𝐮 in 3 and any c, the equation (xyz)𝐮=c defines a plane passing through the origin.

    iii) If S is a surface in 3 and L is a line in 3 then S and L intersect in exactly one point.

    iv) The line y=1 in 2 is a tangent line to the unit circle C with centre the origin.