Workshop Exercises 1

  • 1.

    Let 𝐮=(1  0  1), 𝐯=(2  2  1) and 𝐰=(-1  2-1).

    i) Compute |𝐮+|𝐯|𝐰|.

    ii) Compute (𝐮𝐯)𝐰.

    iii) Find a unit vector (i.e., a vector of length 1) which is orthogonal to both 𝐮 and 𝐯.

  • 2.

    Let 𝐮, 𝐯 be vectors in n.

    i) Show that if 𝐯𝐯=0 then 𝐯=.

    ii) Show that |𝐮|2+|𝐯|22|𝐮𝐯|.

    iii) Show that |𝐮+𝐯|2+|𝐮-𝐯|2=2(|𝐮|2+|𝐯|2).

  • 3.

    True or false?

    i) There exist vectors 𝐮 and 𝐯 in 2 such that 𝐮𝐯=|𝐮|2+|𝐯|2.

    ii) If 𝐮𝐯=𝐮𝐰 then 𝐯=𝐰.

  • 4.

    In each of the following cases, find cosθ, where θ is the angle between 𝐮 and 𝐯.

    i) 𝐮=(1-1), 𝐯=(-2  5),

    ii) 𝐮=(2  0-1), 𝐯=(-1  3  2),

    iii) 𝐮=(-3  1-1  5), 𝐯=(-4  0  8  1).

  • 5.

    i) Find the equation of the line in 2 which passes through the points (2,-2) and (7,-1).

    ii) Find the equation of the plane in 3 with normal vector (1-2  3) and which passes through the point (2,3,-1).

    iii) Find an equation describing the line in 3 passing through the points (-2,3,5) and (1,0,-1).